Chapter 15

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Yeah I know I suck for making you wait but I have a bad reason. So is started with I couldn’t decide where to go next with the story. I have rewritten this from SCRATCH five times. Then I got sucked into some stories. Then my awesome husband’s partner at work lent me True Blood seasons 1-4!!! I’ve read the series but I have never watched the show!!! That was last week and I am now firmly in season three.

So I have finally decided that this story will not be as long as the first so it is ending soon, a few more chapters mainly action which is always fun.

So we got married without any fuss. I do, I do and we were back at the pack house celebrating. In the days that followed I was able to convince him to train all the women in the pack in self-defense. Some of the women asked to be trained to fight too. That took even more convincing but we were successful and now the women have their own training program.

I on the other hand, am training with the men. It is so hard but amazing too. I am being trained in hand to hand combat and small arms. I tried long range but was horrible so they took the gun from me. I didn’t mean to put a hole in the tree I was aiming the target and just missed!

For weeks I have been training and my hand to hand has gotten even better. My short range with a pistol is great too. We had a competition and I beat everyone but Logan with in short range arms and hand to hand I was beat by only Otto.

He didn’t even hit me. He beat me by dodging every single punch I threw then pinning me to the ground. Which made me so mad but by the end we had to go up to our room or put on a whole different type of show for them.

We definitely didn’t get as much time alone as I would like but when we were alone it was amazing. I loved the time Jaxon and I would spend in his office with him. After dinner when he was working in his office Jaxon and I would play with toys on his floor or use on of the laptops to play games. Otto would sit and watch us instead of doing his work and eventually come join us in whatever we were doing that night.

There were also times when he would work late into the night. You would think after sleeping by myself for so long I wouldn’t mind but I hate sleeping alone now. After the first few times I started falling asleep in Jaxon’s room. Otto found me the first time and thought I was there for Jaxon. The next morning he asked me and I told him the truth. He tries hard to be to bed at a decent time if he can, which I am very thankful for. Jaxon only has a twin bed and I barely fit with him. Talk about uncomfortable.

Otto has been great about keep everyone updated on what is going on with the cats. Well not everyone, just inner circle types. The only problem to me is he isn’t getting involved. I know he wants to but he hasn’t. I also know they need help to end this. Billy told me that his friends down in Louisiana have been reporting a lot of activity. We need to go back but I can’t figure out how to convince him.

Thankfully it was taken out of my hands. Randy called today while we were in his office. I didn’t need to hear what he said but I know it is bad news just by the look on his face.

As soon as he hung up I asked, “OK what’s the news?”

“They have a lead on the head of everything.” He looked like someone killed his dog. I don’t get why he should be happy.

“And?” I prompted with my hand as well.

“They need help to get in and take everything down.” He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. “I’ll need to take a team down within the next three days.”

“Ok I will need to make arrangements for someone to watch Jaxon. I will pack the clothes for both of us if you will take care of equipment, unless they are providing it?” I looked at him wanting answer but was surprised by the look of horror on his face.

“You are not going.” He said it so calmly. Like he was telling me I couldn’t borrow the car or something.

“And why not? I am the best hand to hand fighter here after you! Not to mention I am a frickin’ BEAR. Unless they shoot me with a bazooka at close range I will be fine!” I was huff and puffing. I was so mad.

“I am not risking your safety. You are my wife. There is no way I can concentrate with you fighting!” He screamed right back. This is our first fight and I sure as hell am not going to lose.

“Oh yes I am. You would risk someone else who isn’t as good as e to certain death?” He froze.

“I would do anything to save you.” He whispered.

“Even kill a pack member? Because that is exactly what you would be doing if you sent someone instead of me.” I took a step towards him but he put up his hand.

“I can’t think when you are too close.” He put his hand down and turned around. “How about I think about it while I compile the team and announce it tomorrow at breakfast?” He had his hands in his pockets now staring out the French doors that lead to the deck. His shoulders were slumped and tense at the same time.

“OK I won’t bring it up until then. I promise.” With that I left the room to give him his space but if he doesn’t come up for bed I will smack him up side that hard head of his.

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