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Chapter 19

This was going to be difficult. I kept my fingers wrapped tightly around the controls of the plane, and I attempted to hold it steady, but it was no use. The plane jostled hard back and forth. The wind was fighting the plane, and I couldn’t help the fear that was devouring me. I tried to keep myself calm. Deep down I knew that tears would do me no good. I became aware of Harry’s presence as he nearly tumbled into the cockpit. He balanced himself a mere few inches before he would’ve crashed headfirst into the co-pilot’s controls.

The co-pilot controls!

“Harry, I need your help to land us,” I said quickly, “grab the other controls!” As he slid into the seat next to mine, I found a switch on the dashboard that read ‘dual pilot’. Although I wasn’t entirely sure about it, I flipped it into the on position in desperation. Harry’s steering became operational, and for a brief moment, the plane darted sideways as he tried to get used to the feeling of flying.

“How are we supposed to land this thing?” I could hear the fear in his voice as the words left his lips. I didn’t know what to say. This was the one time that I didn’t have a plan, and clearly this was the operation that needed one the most.

“I don’t know, Harry,” I said, my voice cracking a little as I struggled to contain myself. “I’m not even sure where we’re supposed to land, much less how to do it.” I glanced over at him, and his bright green eyes were squinted against the glare of the sun. His brow furrowed for a moment as he tried to think of a way out of the situation, but he didn’t respond. The dusty green of the Statue of Liberty flashed past beneath the plane; it just a pinprick in the blue of the ocean. I looked at all the flashing buttons in front of me. Surely there had to be a map, or a navigation system, or something around here. I released my controls and scuffled around in search of a map. I looked everywhere frantically. The plane was getting low on fuel, and we didn’t have much time.

“What direction is your current flight path?” A small, feminine voice sounded from the doorway. I spun around and came face to face with one of the flight attendants from earlier.

“We’re currently going west,” Harry said, speaking up as he focused on keeping the plane in the air. I looked from the woman to Harry, and back to the woman.

“If we’ve passed the statue, then you need to turn slightly north,” she advised us. I gave up the search for the map and sat back down in the chair, taking the controls once more.

“Okay, Harry,” I started. “We’re ready to make a right.” I exchanged a nod with him, and we both gradually tilted the plane to the left, a little too sharply at first, before leveling out. A flash of sunlight glinted through the windshield of the plane as we completed the turn and began to make our way steadily north. The winds picked up outside the plane and it jostled back and forth in the choppy gusts as the green of the coastline gathered underneath the plane. I kept my eyes on the fuel gauge, constantly checking and rechecking it, as we drew nearer and nearer to empty. I was about to speak up about our dire need of fuel when a voice, coming over faintly through a radio somewhere, startled me into silence.

I strained hard trying to pick up the sound again. Harry didn’t seem to notice anything. For a moment, I sat in a stupor, almost beginning to convince myself that I’d dreamed it, considering I’d had so little sleep. Everything was still for a moment, and the sound came again. I was certain that I’d heard it. I glanced down at the body, which I’d been trying to avoid looking at. The puddle of blood, originally a bright crimson color, had coagulated and turned a deep brown in areas. The blue collar of the pilot’s shirt had turned a weird purple color from the blood that had spluttered out of his mouth. It was a gruesome scene, and it was hard to take in. A large black headset was lying on the floor across the cockpit, and I reached for them, leaning out of my chair at an odd angle, in the hopes that it was where the sound had been coming from. As my fingers wrapped around the headband, I pulled them toward myself and placed one earphone against my head. The speaker crackled to life again with the sound of a voice after another long moment of silence.

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