A party in enemy territory

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After much persuasion I fiannaly agreed to go to Jakes party. We got dressed me in nice blue jeans and a blue and gold team T-shirt, along with my. Blue and green Adidas shoes, Kristi was dressed in dark blue jeans, a white sleeveless top that shows her back along with a pair of white "I just hope Damon isn't there" I thought to myself....


Kristi's P.O.V. 

As we were walking to Jakes party I couldn't help but think 'why did he invite me to the party and why did I even come, HE'S THE ENEMY FOR PEATS SAKE' I was egger to find out his motives. I mean out of all the girls in the school why did he personally ask me, doesn't he usually have people to do that for him. Ugg why me. I'm just glad Anna agreed to come without a fight I wouldn't want to get blood on my safety scissors. Anna must have sense my uneasiness because before we knocked on the door she asked me if I was ok. "yeah I'm fine it's just- I don't know why he invited me to the party" i said. "if anything should happen just txt me ok?" Anna said. "Ok"


When we walk into the party the smell of alcohol hits me like a ton of bricks, I have this nagging feeling I should turn back now. Before I can turn back I hear the voice of the one person I never expected to be there "Anna, Kristi what are you doing at Jakes party" Shania asked. She was dressed in blue skinny jeans and a fancy shirt with the schools colors on it. 'Of course she's here she's on the volleyball team and on cheer but unlike the sluts of the cheer leading team she has stayed away from that' I scolded myself. Yeah Kristi got invited to the party by Jake and begged me to come so I came" Hannah said "let me guess she threatened you with safety scissors?" Shania said "unfortunately yeah"


Shania took Anna to meet the players on her volleyball team and to say hi to her own team (sorry I forgot to mention Anna is big on volleyball). So that left me all alone and heak I don't even know half these people. The ones I did know were surprised that I was at the party because I'm not one for social events. As I'm talking to some random person I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned arround to see Jake smiling his cocky little smile, I honestly don't get what people see in him.

"Hey didn't think you would show up" he says, I can tell by the smell of his breath that he's been drinking but not enough so to get him drunk. He was wearing a red plad button up shirt and a pair of gray skinny jeans. "i don't know weather to take that as an insult or a compliment. Whatever all I want to know is why you asked me to come to your party 'personally'" i said in a very annoyed voice. He slung his arm around my shoulders and began forcing me to walk with him. " I asked you to come for reasons you do not need to know about right now. " He said in almost a mumble. I can tell by the way he's leading me that it is the backyard. I look to him questionably as if looking for the answer to why we were heading that way. His face had an unreadable emotion, it was somewhere between sad and pained. I looked forward and I see the backyard is full of jocks and cheerleaders with so much makeup it looked like their faces were raped by a box of crayola crayons.

I tried to run but it was futile Jake was both stronger and taller than me and as i struggled he just tightened his grip on me. I knew this wouldn't be good so in a last minute attempt I grabbed my phone and threw it in the grass. I was picked up like a rag doll and thrown into the pool. I resurfaced to see all the jocks and cheers laughing at me well all except from Jake. Jake was just standing there with his head down looking ashamed and sad. I got out of the pool with my clothes sticking to me and my makeup running. I took one last look at Jake with pity filling my eyes before I grabbed my phone and texted Anna


Kristi: Anna I'm going home dont worry about me

Anna: ok y what happened

Kristi: jerky jocks and sluty cheers

Anna: ok wait for me out front be right there

(Text end)

I sighed and waited for Anna shivering from being wet I knew this was a bad idea to come to the enemies territory.

.........Anna's P.O.V...........

When I got the txt from Kristi I knew she had it bad. Now Kristi had never been the most popular, she never did any sports because she knew she was bad at it so she relied on being her. It wasn't all that bad I mean she did gain people as friends and people knew her well especially as the big sis of the class.

I said good bye to the volleyball teams and Shania and made my way down to walk Kristi home. As I was on my way I literally ran into Damon. He looked nice he was wearing a school jersey and a pair of blue jeans that he decided to sag a little. As always he was surrounded by girls and his posse. He turned his head to look at who ran into him looking as if he was annoyed at the person. When he saw me he gave me his infamous smirk and said "hey partner I knew you'd miss me before long" I just rolled my eyes while trying to suppress the butterflies going 'round my stomach and said " whatever go play yourself" I got up and bolted for the door this is enemy territory.


WOOOO chapter 4 I can't believe how good this story has gotten. I still need those comments. I need to know all of your opinions on this story should it be more romantic or not let me know in the comments. I will try to update everyday. 

Love you guys <3

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