Awkward moments (FINAL PART 2 1/2 & 3)

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PART 2 1/2

Jake's P.O.V.

We got in my car and I started it up but before I pulled out I took one last look at Kristi. I realized how much I love seeing her in my shirt. I tore my gaze from her to pulling out of the parking lot and getting on the road that leads to the park. As we were sitting in complete silence I couldn't help but remember how shitty that dumb waitress made our first date. At this thought my body tensed and my grip on the steering wheel tightened. Kristi must have noticed because she placed one of her small delicate hands on my shoulder and asked "Hey Jake you ok?". When she placed her hand on my bare shoulder (yes bare I still am shirtless people. You like we'll you can't have) I couldn't help but relax. I looked at her for a second and then back to the road and I sighed heavily and said, "You must think this is the worst date ever. It's all that damn waitresses fault.". "Hey Jake don't dwell on that she is just some incredibly desperate girl who saw a sexy guy and wanted something she couldn't have" Kristi said proudly, I knew exactly what she meant but to make her laugh I said in a very confused voice "what".

"Oh my gosh" she said rolling her eyes now I'm determined so I said in the best mock gay voice I can do "Becky look at her butt it's so big" now I got her. At that she was dieing of laughter. After that neither of us said a word.

"Hey Kristi do you mind if I turn on the stereo?" I asked "nope go ahead" she replied not tearing her gaze from the window. I turned on the stereo forgetting it was on CD mode and that before I went to my date I dropped my 13 year old girl cousin off at ballet practice and she left her One Direction CD in. So when the stereo came on Kristi and I both looked at the stereo and then each other confused (confusededed :D). Kristi raised an eyebrow at me and asked smugly,"been giving Martin rides to school?". "No no no no" I replied. (Authors note: ok readers I had to put that in there because when my class went on the field trip to Jeff city one of my guy friends put on my besties back pack that had a big 1D on it and he was walking around the whole pizza place with it on and we still make fun of it to this day).

After the One Direction CD thing Kristi would not let me turn it off. With much pursuasion and finally a puppy dog face I gave in. The next song that came up i think the name was Heart Attack came on. When the chorus came on I heard one voice that i was sure didn't belong to that boy group because it was a female voice. I turn my head to see Kristi singing along with the best singing voice i had ever heard. When she noticed i caught her singing she immediately stopped and blushed, I guess she thought I wasn't listening, i brought my attention back to the road and smirked and told her smugly, "So you sing?"

Kristi's P.O.V.

"So you sing?" Jake asked- well it sounded more of like he was stating something he already knew. "N-not really i don't like to sing because I don't have a good singing voice" i said nervously the only people who had ever seen me sing were Anna, Shania, and all of the kids at my old school because i was in choir. I was so embarrassed, what if he thinks i don't sing well oh man have i screwed up. He looked at me wide eyed and said shocked "What are you talking about you are a great singer!" what he thinks im a good singer yeah right. "No no I'm really not" i said in a low tone of voice. After that we never said a word we sat in complete silence with the faint sound of One Direction playing in the background with the song Change My Mind.

When we pulled up to the park parking lot. I went to open the door but it was locked. I looked to see Jake just looking at me I got lost in his dark brown eyes. Next thing I knew me and Jake were leaning dangerously close. Jake looked at me with hooded eyes and then closed the space between us. When he kissed me i felt the whole forth of July happen right there and our lips molded perfectly to one another. I felt Jake move his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him. I was starting to run out of air. Jake pulled away and said "Don't you dare ever say that about yourself. I didn't say anything because i was so upset about you putting yourself down". When i looked into his eyes i saw that he was not lieing. I was so happy i didn't know what to do so i did what any rational girl would do in this circumstance. I cupped his face on both sides with my hands and pulled him in for another kiss. What i loved about his kisses were that he was gentle with me even though i knew he wanted to let loose he let me take my time and his.

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