Kristi's P.O.V.
After we had our showers and got dressed I went to work on cleaning Shania's face of the left over make up while Anna sat on the chair in the bathroom (like the ones you see in the old movies) looking at funny 1D (One Direction for the unknowing) pictures. While I was cleaning off the faded unibrow off of her face she said "I hate you both". Anna looked up from her phone with a look of mock pain, " Shi how could you say such hurtful words. I thought we were friends". I held back a laugh and stopped cleaning the make up off "Shania I thought i raised you better than to say hate to people. Why must you be such a rebel. It must be the hormones" i said in a fake sad motherly tone.
After I said that Anna started to laugh (word to the wise she will laugh at anny thing). "Shut up and get this stuff off my face" Shania said trying to surpress a laugh. I dropped the facial wipe and leaned on the counter of the sink in a dramatic pose. "I always knew there would come a day when you would defy me. I-I just didn't expect it to be so soon." I said over dramatically; at this point Anna and Shania were cracking up laughing. "Ok ok I'm sorry now get this junk off my face,,,,,please" she said, "Oh Shania you do learn" I said still in a over dramatic motherly way.
"So Shania where will you be while we are out and about?" Anna asked. "I dont know. Park maybe ill think of something." she replied. " If you leave the house don't forget to get a key and lock the door." I informed her "do you want to come with me to drop off Anna at Damon's house?" i asked her. "Hmmm tempting offer so yes" she answered "why do you both hate me so" Anna said "Oh Anna we love you but it's just to fun to tourture you." I said
Shania's P.O.V. (finally!)
Once Kristi got that dang make up off my face she drove Anna to Damon's house, yes she drove she is the oldest and got her drivers licence before us sad but true, the whole way we were teasing her. The drive to his house wasn't to long or to short it was about a 25 minute drive to get to his house. Kristi pulled up to a pretty good looking house not to big but not to small either. "Bye Anna have fun" I said enphasizing on the word fun. When Anna got out and started walking up the driveway Kristi rolled down the window and yelled "BYE ANNA USE PROTECTION!!!" and drove off before Anna could repli. Mental note: if I ever have a crush or date someone don't let Kristi drive me on the date or to the guys house.
After that Kristi drove to the mall saying she had time before she had to see Jake. When we got there we went to Panera and got something to drink. Kristi orderd a frozen caramel and I orderd the frozen moka. The first place we went to was Target to get some shorts for the summer. Then we went to Macys to find shirts. We kept shopping at 12:15 and then she dropped me off at her house. Hmmm i wonder what im gonna do?
Kristi's P.O.V.
After I dropped Shania off at my house I drove to the park and saw Jake's car parked in the parking lot. 'Shit am I late he said 12:30 and its only 12:20' I dropped the thought and turned off the car and locked it. I started walking to where he told me to meet him at. In the distance I saw Jake standing right where he said he would. I walked tword him, he was dressed in a white tight fitting t-shirt and black and white shorts, once I stood in front of him I asked in a confused voice "am I late or something?", "What no no I got here early cause i was realy excited" he said blushing a little. "Oh ok ....... So what are we going to do this fine day?" i said breaking the silence between us. "Oh I thought you might want to walk arround a little bit- if thats ok with you" he said nervously. "Yeah thats fine with me I love this park well all except the bugs" (note i am terrified of bugs but when i freak out everyone laughes T_T) I said.
"Oh really you are are you?" he said as if confirming his suspicions. "Im not saying it again if thats what you want". We spent about half an hour just walking arround the park. When we came across a swing set I ran to it and started swinging. Jake started walking to me and shook his head "so immature" he said. "Pff whatever, just push me" I said, "and who said I will" he replied in a cocky tone of voice. We kept that going for a while untill I got fed up and chased him. Naturally he was faster being as he is in sports. When I got tired of running I sat on the hill over looking the lake. Jake came and sat next to me. I decided now would be the best time to ask "Hey Jake?" "Yeah Kristi" "A-are we a c-couple" i asked blushing and embarrassed. When he hadn't answered i felt a part of me brake does he not like me like that? No he told me he loved me, but did he lie. I was about to get up and leave before i broke down crying infront of him, when he pulled me into a warm hug.
"Of course we are why wouldn't we?" Jake said. "I-I just thought since you know... you never said anythin-" I was cut off by him placing a sweet soft kiss on my lips. "You talk to much" he said when he pulled away. He leaned in for annother kiss this time i leaned in too. When we kissed I felt the whole 4th of July happen with just that one kiss. "Wow" we said at the same time. "does that answer your question" he asked "yup" I replied. I looked deep into his eyes and saw pure love not one trace of lust. At this moment I truly felt loved. I just hope he will take me for all I am.
You know how every time you try and have a moment it gets ruined. Well that happend to me. As we were gazing into eachothers eyes my stomach growled ' dang it whyyyy'. He startel chukeling "looks like someones hungry" he said. "Shad up im fine" i said pouting my stomache defied me and growled again. "It's ok i know the perfect place come on" he stood up and offered his hand. I reached up and as he pulled me up he must have forgoten we were on a hill because when he pulled me up he tripped and I landed on top of him. He started blushing "Oh my gosh are you ok?" i asked sincerly. "Ya im fine you are actually very light" he said, I started to blush and I got off of him and he stood up and took my hand in his. "Shall we go?" he ask "of course we shall" i said in an old English way. We both were smileing like ear to ear.
Jake drove me to Maccaroni grill. We got seated imidiatly apparently his dad knows the owner. A young waitress came up and looked at Jake, leaned on the table bloking me of my view of Jake, and said "Hello welcome to Maccaroni grill what can i get you to drink hotty?" as she said this she tried emphases on tried to sound suductive. Jake just said he wanted a Coke "Of course anny thing and I mean anything" she said. Ok now she is pissing me off, she turned to leave and take in the order and i just looked in my lap. 'She is prettyer than me so why wouldnt he look" as i thought this i was brougt out of my pity party by Jake's voice. "Arn't you gonna take my girlfriends order to?", she just turned arround and looked at me with discuset "oh ya her" she mumbled. When Jake said this I sat up a little straighter "one Coke mam and go easy on the ice" I said in a snooty tone of voice.
Jake looked at me with pride in his eyes as the waitress left. The waitress came back with our drinks when she sat mine down she "accidentaly" spilled it all over my top. "woops sorry my hand slipped" she said in a snooty tone of voice. "LIKE HELL YOUR SORRY" Jake said/yelled he rushed over to me and asked if i was alright i told him i was but i wasn't. I hate it when people do things like this. "Thats it i tryed to put up with this but i can't" he said. the waitress took it the wrong way because she looked at me as if she was victorius. "We are leaving, Charge the meal to my dad's account" and with that we left.
When we were in the parking lot he took of his sweater and then took off his shirt. i couldn't help but stare at his abs and at how toned he was. "Like what you see" he said breaking me out of my gaze. "Sh-Shut up" i said blushing, "here" he said handing me his shirt. The heak? "just put it on so you dont get sick"he said. I went i the back seat of his car and changed my shirt (thank goodness it was dark out) when i put his shirt on i was engulfed in his amazing aroma.
When i got out of the back seat i saw he had his back twards me. I came up behind him and hugged him arround his waist from behind. At first he stiffened up but when he realizes it was me he relaxed and said "Isnt it the guy that is supposed to do that?" "maybe" I replied. "Lets Get you home" he said. "awwww do you want to get rid of me that badly?" i said "What No" he said defensively.
(to be continued MAYBE)
Olo lovely readers i am trying so hard with these chapters so props for trying.
Picture is of Shania

I think I'm falling for him
Roman d'amourDamon and I have been friends since prek now for those select few that is since the age of five. Now we are sixteen and we are very close and he's been with me through thick and thin. Even when I dated his friend Andrew and when we broke up he's bee...