Chapter Six| Come Home

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I never wanted to pull away from my best friend, I felt so safe in her arms. I've never cried harder in my entire life, and little did I know that this would happen to me. I'm lost in this world, I don't know what to do. I finally pull away from the forward and I look into her piercing blue eyes. "You need to get some rest." She says to me, as she moves my hair away from my face.

"I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight Lex." I say as I stare down at the rope that was suppose to take my life away. "I don't think I'll be falling asleep these next few days."

"You can't do that Tobin, I told you, you have to move on. And thinking about it and staying up at night won't solve anything." Alex says to me. She's right, she's always right she always knows the right thing to say. "I'm going back home now, I hope to see you tomorrow." Alex says as she starts to walk towards my window.

"Alex... Wait." I say, and I wait for Alex to look up at me. She stares back at me, tears filling her eyes. "Can you stay?" I ask. For a second Alex just stares at me like I'm completely insane, but she just nods and backs away from the window. "But you have school tomorrow." I say already feeling bad. I might not go to school this week, only because I need some time.

"I can skip school." Alex says as she sits on my bed next to me.

"No, don't do that because of me. You can go Alex I'll be fine." I say to her. But Alex doesn't move. She stays where she is, sitting on my bed.

"I know you need me here, so I'm not going anywhere." Alex says as she grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

I relax, not realizing how tense I was. "I do need you here, I was just afraid to tell you that." I say as I look up at the forward. "I always need you here, because if you weren't it would have been to late."

"Stop Tobin, don't talk about that. As long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen to you." Alex says as she moves next to me on my bed and lays her head against my chest.

"What would you do if I died?" I ask, knowing how harsh that question is, and knowing how uncomfortable Alex will be.

"Why would you even think that Tobin?" Alex asks, and I can hear the vibrations of her voice against my chest.

"Please, I want to know." I say, as I look down at the younger forward. The forward lets out a sigh.

"I would be so broken, so hurt, and just completely destroyed knowing that I won't be able to laugh with my best friend. Knowing that it was my last time seeing you, knowing I wouldn't be able to tell you how much you mean to me, how much I love having you as a best friend. I would be lost in this world, knowing a part of me is now missing. I don't know if I would be able to move on, you're like a sister to me Tobin. The best sister a girl can ever ask for. You're the one I can trust with my life, you're the one I can always be myself when I'm around you. You're such a special gift from God, and everyday I thank him for having our two ends meet. Tobin, you are my best friend. You're a big part of my life, and I don't ever want to loose you." Alex says and I can hear the small sobs that are coming from her. "I wouldn't want a guy in my life that I can fall in love with and marry. I'm fine with having a best friend like you."

"I promise this won't happen again Lex. I promise I won't ever leave your side. I don't know what got me thinking that I can live a world away from my best friend. I'm regretting everything I did today, knowing I would have caused you unending pain and it hurts even more that I was the reason why you were in pain. I never wanted to hurt you, and I never wanted this to happen. I know how you hold on to things, and it's always hard for you to let go. But I can promise you that in this friendship, you won't be letting go of anything. You'll always have me around, whether it's in another city, whether it's one thousand miles away. I'm never going to make this mistake again. And I can promise you that Alex Morgan, I can promise you I won't ever let go." I say, as tears fall down my face, but I don't wipe them away. I let them fall, freely.

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