Chapter Twenty Four | Love Never Dies

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Two weeks went by faster then I had expected and I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be feeling. Should I be excited that I'm playing my first game tomorrow? Or should I be nervous? These questions float through my mind like an endless rope over a cliff.

I follow Tobin to the lobby as we wait for the rest of the team so we can board the bus, and I feel my legs getting week that I have to sit down.

"Are you okay? It looks like you have just seen a ghost." Tobin says as she waves a hand in front of my face.

"Uh... Yeah! I'm fine!" I say to Tobin and flash a smile.

"Liar, tell me what's wrong." Tobin says and I frown knowing that she can read me like a book.

"I'm nervous, like seriously? I've never been more nervous in my life until now." I say as I look at my hands and down at my feet.

"I was like this in my first game, it's totally normal. Just relax and enjoy every moment of it, feed off of the fans cheering. I promise you'll be fine." Tobin says as she squeezes my hand and smiles at me.

"But what if I mess up Tobin? Everyone's going to hate me then I'll be kicked off." I say. Then Tobin lets out a small laugh.

"Alex there's never going to be a perfect game. I can't even tell you how many times Abby made a mistake, even Carli and Jill. It's an endless roller coaster of mistakes and we just shake them off and try our best to finish off every game with a win." Tobin says as everyone starts gathering their bags and boarding the bus. "And besides Jill loves you."

We board the bus and I take the window seat and Tobin sits next to me. Then the bus starts moving and we head to the airport to go to Montreal where our first tournament will be at for the World Cup.

"You scored on your first cap." I say to Tobin as I watch the world outside go by in a blur.

"Yeah I did, which means anything is possible. Just believe in yourself, because we all believe in you and each other I believe in you. Don't think about this now Lex just relax." Tobin says.

Then I let go, not realizing how tense I was. I let out a deep breath and I close my eyes.

Within thirty minutes, we all file out the bus and head inside the airport where our coaches and staff all check us in and we board the plane in record time. One of the perks of being a pro soccer player. Like on the bus, I take the window seat with Tobin sitting next to me. Behind us was Abby and Christie and I jump as Abby taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey kid! How does it feel, first game tomorrow?" Abby says as she smiles at me.

"A little nervous I guess, I still can't believe I'm playing with you. I've looked up to all you veterans for such a long time and I here I am, playing along side you." I say.

"You'll be fine out there I know it. You're one of the best strikers I've seen out there and I'm quite impressed on your skills at such a young age." Abby says.

"Thanks." I say back as I turn around as the plane starts its lift off. I close my eyes knowing how much I hate this part. I tighten my grip on the chair until the bumpiness decreases. I open my eyes and I find Tobin laughing at me as she pulls her hands from under mine.

"I'm pretty sure you squeezed the circulation out of my hand." Tobin says as she moves her hand back and forth.

"Oh sorry Tobin." I say as I let out a small laugh. After a little bit of small talk, I place my head phones on my head and play some music and just close my eyes. It was such a relaxing time that before you know it, we landed in Montreal.

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