the one without Deadpool yet (he'll be here soon enough)

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I looked out the taxi window, turning up my music loud enough so that the driver would hear it and not attempt conversation. I put my nose against the glass, staring out into the cityscape. Stark towers was still quite a drive, and I was still tired from the plane ride. I made a table with my arms against the windowsill and started to fall asleep.

I woke up to what felt like a tiny earthquake under the car. I looked around, remembering where I was, which happened to mid Manhattan, in a shaking taxi, with no taxi driver. I removed one earbud and unbuckled my seatbelt to look around. Around the taxi was completely in ruins, and running towards the car was some sort of giant bear-mech thing. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" I murmured as I braced against the car seat after the mecha-bear picked up the taxi.

The car was thrown, but there was no crashing impact. I opened my eyes to see the half-crushed taxi cab caught in some sort of web. "Is there some sort of mecha-spider too?" I shouted in frustration.

Suddenly something swung past the car and opened the door, reaching out its hand to pull me out of the wreck. "Nope! Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!" The man exclaimed happily as he pulled me out of the car.

The more I looked at him, the more familiar he was. He must of noticed me staring at him, because after a while he cleared his throat. "Uhh sorry sir, you just seem familiar." I stammered out, scratching the back of my neck. "Do you know my brother Tony by any chance?"

"You mean Tony Stark? Are you related to the Tony Stark?"

"Yes! He called me the other day and told me to get to Stark Industries pronto, so I whizzed over here. I didn't expect I'd have to be saved by a superhero on the first day though. I haven't even been in new York for 24 hours!" I said, nervously laughing.

"Well, I can get you to Stark Towers! Here, just grab onto me and I'll swing you there," he said while moving his arm to pick me up.

I slowly backed away, much to the webhead's confusion. "Dress plus swinging high up in the air equals bad things."

"Well we can just do things this way then." Spiderman said while picking me up bridal style and swinging away before I could protest.


I know a lot hasn't happened yet and my writing is trash, but I only just learned how to paragraph yesterday, so gimme a break (like kitkats!). I have absolutely no plan for this story yet so feedback is more than welcome! (All I know is DP's gonna be in the next one and its gonna be awesome!) Thanks for reading/liking/commenting!

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