Yo, who the f- is this?

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I sighed in relief as Spiderman put me down, straightening out my dress as he looked at me, amused. I opened my mouth to snark out a smart remark before I suddenly saw my brother, and I ran towards him, giving him a hug. "I heard about what happened downtown. Are you alright?" He said, hugging me back tightly.

I nodded, opening my mouth to say something before getting cut off by a loud noise coming from behind me and Tony. I let out an annoyed sigh. Geez, what is it with me and getting cut off today? I turned around to see a man standing next to Spiderman in a similar outfit, but this one looking more- dangerous. I looked at the swords he was carrying on his back before he suddenly rushed over to me, seemingly teleporting. He spoke a million miles a minute and I barely caught any of what he said. I heard that his name was Deadpool though, and I caught parts of the flirtatious comments he was making as he slid his arm around my shoulders, watching Tony angrily tense up every time, yet seeing Spiderman do it out of the corner of my eye as well. I leaned into Deadpool, flashing Tony a shit-eating grin as I did so.

Halfway though Deadpool's rant, I turned and looked up at him, flashing him a sweet smile and basically batting my eyelashes at him. "Mister Deadpool, would you mind showing me around the city?" I got an exasperated look from Tony, and it was so worth it.

"Sure thing, babe." Deadpool and I both shot back mischievous glances, mine to Tony and his to Spiderman. He kept his arm around my shoulders as we walked out of Stark towers, yet it seemed like he didn't even notice. Like it was a totally normal thing to do to a person whom you've just met.


Holy fuck, I'm so sorry this took so long to update. My stories weren't really getting commented on or read, so I deleted my Wattpad app, but then a little bit ago I logged back on in curiosity and holy shit everyone wanted me to write more so here is me attempting to cram out stories quickly. Trust me, your feedback means everything to me, and my lack of it was what caused me to delete my app. Please, any comment helps out. Thank you for waiting for me!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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