Chapter 3 - Blue Eyes

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I grab Jack and hide behind a tree and some large plants. If that's what I think it was...I'm honestly beyond confused. I don't know what I saw, I stepped out of the taxi, normal, grabbed my bags, normal, then looked up to see a group of teenage boys running straight for me. Now you can probably understand why I'm freaked out and confused yet have the urge to laugh my ass off because..what just happened. Does Ethan and Grayson have only boy fans in California or something? I don't really care, I just came here for the beaches and Palm trees.

I look as Ethan and Gray exit the taxi with their bags but as soon as they see the group of boys they drop their bags and hug each of them. Maybe Ethan and Grayson know the people in that group. I'm really confused right now but there's no way I'm joining in that all-guy group hug just to figure out what's going on. I'm just going to stay here.

"Hey I really like your dog, he's adorable"
The deep voice startled me, I spun around and I came face to face with a blue eyed boy.

"Oh..thank you! His name is Jack. You can pet him if you want, he's super friendly!"

I watch the boy pet my dog, he was so gentle. He was way taller than me, considering I'm only 5 3". His eyes...I mean I didn't get to see them for that long but...they were beautiful. They weren't ordinary sky blue, nor were they like the little blue flowers that come up with the weeds in the spring, they were cold and icy but I felt as though I could dive into them and the water would be so warm and comforting.

"Can I ask you something?" The blue eyed boy said snapping me out of my weird, yet very descriptive thoughts as he was crouched down petting jack.

"Yeah of course"

"Why are hiding behind a tree" The boy looked at me weird but with a smirk

"Oh that..I..uh didn't want to get involved in that" I said pointing to the group of boys still hugging and greeting each other because I didn't have a good way to explain it.

"You know them?" The boy asked

"Uh no, but two of them are my brothers, I'm here with them on a trip and as soon as we got out of the taxi..that..happened"

"Who are your brothers? Wait let me guess, Ethan and Grayson?" The boy asked, smiling

"Haha yeah, what gave it away. And are how do you know my brothers? Are those guys your friends too?" I asked, very intrigued by the boy

"Yeah I've met your brothers before but, well I mean you don't really look like them but your long brown hair and dark brown eyes kind of gave me the hint that you were related to the Dolan's" the boy said looking into my eyes with curiosity. I don't know why he was looking in my eyes, I mean they're just brown but his...they were blue like the sea, a crystal clear blue shimmer crashing and churning like a massive storm of emotion, looking into this boys eyes you could hear the waves crashing onto the sand beach. Even though I don't know this boy, something about him makes me want to know him more and more each second.

I had to search up a bunch of really cool descriptive words for blue eyes on Google #turnup

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