Chapter 5 - Unpacking & Pizza

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"Hayes" I yelled to the room across from me

"Yup" he yelled back

"Wanna come here and help me unpack"

"Ha-ha-ha no not rea- "HAYES GET YOUR ASS IN HERE"

"Ok...ok geez" I hear from the other room. I smile slightly

"But that means that you have to help me unpack my bag" he said smirking at my doorway

"Yeah yeah whatever" I said quickly, just wanting to unpack my bag as soon as I could

"Thanks babe" he winked while patting me on my head and sitting on the carpeted floor next to me. I glared at him. I didn't really mind, to be completely honest.

About 15 minutes passed and I was still taking my clothes out of my suitcase and organizing them on the ground. I could feel Hayes' eyes on me but I didn't want to point it out because I thought that would make the situation awkward.

"Can you just set this on the desk over there please" I said to Hayes while handing him my MacBook. I was hoping that it would snap Hayes out of staring at me

I could hear Hayes say 'shit' under his breath
"Uh yeah of course" he grabbed my computer and walked towards the desk

"Okay I'm pretty much unpacked so let's go to your room now so you can unpack your suitcase" I proposed

We walked over to Hayes room and I sat on the floor like before while Hayes sat on his bed. I took his extra pairs of shoes and set them by the wall and placed his folded clothes on the ground like I did with mine. About 20 minutes passed and I unpacked most of his suitcase.

"Hayes" I groaned
"Mhm" he said, lying on his bed with his phone in his face

"I unpacked your whole suitcase, you didn't do shit" I said with a displeased look plastered on my face

"Not true, I was being sexy while lying on my bed" he winked at me

"Ha-ha" I said while grabbing his pillow from beside his suitcase and throwing it at his face, causing Hayes' phone to fly out of his hands. He turned his head towards me with his mouth hanging open. He quickly grabbed the pillow and stood up, but before he could throw the pillow at me, he tripped over my leg. This caused him to fall on top of me and both of us to break out into a laughing fit. I kept laughing while Hayes stopped and was just smiling, looking into my eyes.

"Get off of me you loser" I said while pushing Hayes off of me and sitting up. The situation wasn't awkward but I didn't want to make it awkward by not pushing him off of me. If that makes any sense.

Hayes grabbed his phone "I'm so hungry"

"Yeah me too. Where do you usually get dinner from when you're on these little 'tour' thingys" I asked

"Well some guys get takeout like pizza or go to a place to eat but since it's the first night, pizza probably" Hayes said while standing up

I stood up "Well let's go downstairs and see if the other guys want pizza too" I said and then began to walk out of Hayes room

"Rule #1 of Magcon Sydney, if you are going to get pizza, you don't need to ask if the other guys want some too, the answer is always a yes" Hayes laughed while following me down the stairs

"Good to know Grier" I said as I began to walk to the living room to find the rest of the guys

I see Shawn, Cameron and Matt in the kitchen. "Hey guys!" I say

"Hey Sydney!" They all chorus

"What brings you down here" Cameron says while putting his arm over my shoulder

"Hayes and I are super hungry so we wanted to know you guys want us to order some pizza"

"YES" all of them yell and Shawn and Matt do a little dance

"Okay" I say laughing

"Actually, me and Hayes are going to order the pizza, and you can get to know everybody more since this is your first time at Magcon" Cameron warmly smiles to me and walks away with Hayes. Since the three boys were sitting on the bar stools by the counter I take Cameron's spot which was in-between Matt and Shawn.

"So how old are you guys" I ask both Shawn and Matt (a/n: there ages are going to be different js)

"I'm 16" Shawn said with a smile
"And I'm 17" Matt said

"Wow am I the youngest person here" I groaned

"How old are you" Shawn asked

"I just turned 15 about a month ago"

"I'm older than you" Shawn said while wiggling his eyebrows

"Only by one year so shut up" I lightly punched his shoulder and Shawn pouted

"Soooo Sydney" Matt said and rested his hands below his chin

"Yes Matthew" I replied looking at him

"Who's your favourite out of everyone here" Matt said while resting his head on my shoulder and Shawn copying him.

"Well I've talked to Hayes the most so I guess him, I don't know anyone else really well" I replied

"I think you meant *cough* Shawn and Matt *cough*" Shawn said

"Oh of course, what am I talking about, Shawn Mendes and Matthew Espinosa are my favourite people here" I said laughing

"I think you mean your favourite people in the entire world" Matt said

"Yeah yeah my favourite people in the entire whole wide world" I rolled my eyes and laughed

"YAAAAY" they chorused and both hugged me tightly. I heard Cameron asking what people wanted in the pizza

"Guys I want to choose good topping, might want to let go of me" I said to Shawn and Matt. They both let go of me and then Shawn picked me up

"SHAWN" I yelled. He put me on Matt's back and Matt started to give me a piggy back around the whole ground level

"MATT HOLY SHIT SLOW DOWN" I yelled, terrified of falling and breaking a bone or something

Matt ran across the kitchen and tripped on one of the stool legs, nice going Espinosa

"SHIT" Matt yelled. We quickly fell onto our faces. Fuck that hurt. But that was fun. Me, Matt and the rest of the guys were laughing their asses off, well except for one person. I look up to see Hayes sitting on the coach in the living room with anger. I wonder what happened to him. Probably on his period. All I know is that this month in LA is going to be the best.

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