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Dean slips through the small opening of the barbed wire fence and makes his way down the wooded and narrow path. He soon comes across the hallowed tree where he hides his handmade bow. He crouches down and takes it out, running his hands over the string and grinning. Dean stood up and walked over to the rotting log a few yards away from the tree. He brushed away some moss, revealing a few dozen arrows, which he picked up and carefully put into his quiver. After hearing the bushes behind him tremble, Dean turns around, wielding a pocket knife in the air.
"Who's there?" He asks with a shaky voice.
The bush moves some more, then with slight hesitation, a thin boy with bright blue eyes steps out from behind. He was wearing a dirty tan trench coat and had dark circles under his eyes.
"Woah, Dean, put the knife away. It's me." The boy says, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
Dean sighs and walks towards the boy. "Don't scare me like that, Castiel." He says, folding up the knife and shoving it into his pocket.
"Sorry, Deanie." Cas says.
"Don't call me that." Dean says with a quiet growl, even though he can't help but smile wide at the sight of Cas standing in front of him.
Cas just smirks and steps closer to the other boy. "I've missed you." He says quietly.
"I missed you too." Dean says, also stepping closer.
Cas wraps his arms around Dean's waist and stands as tall as he can, their lips automatically connecting in a kiss. Dean pulls away about a minute later, resting his forehead on Cas' and smiling again.
"I have been dying to do that for so long." Dean whines.
"Then shut up and kiss me again." Cas says.
Dean laughs a little and obliges, leaning back in and pressing his lips to Cas'. The kiss didn't last long, as their moment was interrupted by one of the Capital's hovercrafts flying overhead. Dean grabs Cas' hand and quickly pulls him behind the bush closest to them.
"Duck down." Dean whispers, both him and Cas lowering their heads and staying quiet, even a few minutes after the aircraft was gone, just to make sure the coast was clear.
"Okay.. I think we're good." Cas says.
Dean nods in agreement, going out from behind the bush and picking up his bow.
"Have you caught anything lately?" Cas asks.
"No." Dean says, slight sadness in his eyes.
"Oh.." Cas says quietly.
Dean nods. "But I set up some traps a few days ago that I still need to check."
"Okay, well let's go." Cas says with a small smile.

Hey guys! This is my first fan fiction and it's a little rough and still being written so no hate please. Enjoy!
(P.S thanks to my friend, Nicole, for helping me with this)

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