Chapter 7

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"Oppa??' Seokjin ask. "Did you two know each other?"

"Aniyo!!" Jimin and Jin exclaim.

"I just call him oppa since he's older than me." Jin explain.

The three girls give a sigh.

"Myung-Eun-sshi." Jimin started. "Can we start dating?"

Jin who is sipping a coffee, spill it. And glare at Jimin. Like the hell? Jimin really don't know the timing.


Seokjin help Jin in wiping the coffee she spill.

"I said can we start dating?" Jimin said with a pleading in his voice.

Jia, Soojung and Jiae got choke at the food they are eating.

"Dating with her!!??" Seokjin exclaim. "I thought we sign a contract that 'no girlfriend is allowed' with the CEO?"

Jimin look at his hyung. "I know about it hyung. But we can keep it secret."

"Okey." Jin agree.

"What do you mean by okey?" Seokjin ask. He don't know but he feel annoyed.

"I agree to date Jimin-oppa." she answer.

Because of Jimin's happiness, he hug Myung Eun. He even give her a wink.

"Thank you so much!" while kissing at her cheeks.

Seokjin try to break the hug between the two. "Jimin stop it. She can't breath."

Jin glare at the two guys.

Jimin took Myung Eun's number. "I will call you tonight."


"Why did you do that?" Jiae ask.

"I don't know. I just want to feel dating him." Jin reply as she shrug her shoulder.

Soojung hit her forehead. "Dating him? Are you insane?"

Jin face them. "I want to show to Seokjiin that I've totally move on. It really hurts on what he had done to me way back in high school. He just love me because of my voice."

The girls sigh. "We understand." Jia said. There is loneliness on Jia's voice.

"Any problem unnie?" Jin ask Jia.

"I'm leaving. I won't continue my career as a singer." Jia sigh. "And also I'm engage. I don't want to ruin your future career. That's why I will leave."

"We will respect your decision."



Seokjin just look at Jimin who is busy calling and texting on his phone.

"You won't believe? But I like you already."

Because of irritation, Seokjin throw the ladle. Jimin look at him. A confusion was written on his handsome face. While Seokjin, he glare at Jimin.

"Any problem, hyung?"

"Nothing." then he sigh. "Will you just continue that at the living room or in your room. It so irritating when I'm busy cooking here yet you're just giving cheesy line at that Jin girl. Why not help me instead?"

Jimin laugh at his hyung. "Do you like Jin?"

He was caught off guard by Jimin question.

"No. I'm not."

"Then don't act like you're jealous." before Jimin left the kitchen. "Anyway, tomorrow I will go at Eyaki Voice. Its the studio were she had her voice lesson. Wanna go with me?"

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