Author's Note

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At first, I only did this because I was bored. It all started from the watching cartoons. I was watching different kinds of them and thinking that I am the one doing those things. That was when I was like Seven years old. Childhood was great that you can actually balance your television watching, hanging out with friends, and having high grades.

A few months later and we had a computer. That's the time I got to play programs and even started to think that I am the one doing those things. Take note that I am still a kid on that age. Because of that, I have troubles on my schedule. I have the same time watching, I've became addicted to computer games that hang out with my friends very less, and I even got some low grades and lost to the honors.

I found a game called "Habbo Hotel" and that's where I started creating short parody videos that I make on the net and upload it to youtube. I wanted to make some movies so I created some scripts. Just scripts because they don't have enough functions for the things that I want to make.

A few years have passed and I admired the programmers on their doings and dreaming to be a programmer. I've downloaded a program that allows me to create games called "Unity 3D". I memorized some codes and the functions and eventually starting to download another program called "Blender". By that time, I don't watch that much anymore.

After I have finished a game that I worked so hard, I tried to play the game called "Dragon Nest" that my friends wanted me to play and on that time, that's the only game that I've played these days. I don't even play other games just that and as I play, I understand their story and was inspired to for me to imagine that I am the one doing those things. I was at high school that time. Then they also advised me to watch some Anime and then I've become an Otaku. I watched a lot like Sket Dance, Sword Art Online, Blood+, and more. I'd like to thank the Animes that I told because they gave me some ideas and inspiration to do this light novel. I got my grades back and I can now balance my schedule.

One day, I went home and my mom asked me to put the videos to the computer from my brother's play. I did put it and it took a while to put it there. I watched it but it was so slow. I played the game but when I opened it, it's not working. It had some errors so I tried to play the other games on the computer. But when I opened them, they also have the same errors. I searched the net for some possible solutions but nothing worked. That's when my computer has been broken. I was so sad that I can't play my favorite game "Dragon Nest" but that's life. Things aren't supposed to be forever but it was so good. I was forced to use the laptop but it only has small memory so I can't play those games.

I realized that I could make some scripts so when the computer is fixed, I can make the videos again but as time goes by, I started to do this. Before I can do the Author's Note, I started with chapter one. I'd like to thank the people and the programs that inspired me to do this. If you think that some parts here are amateurish, I am just a fourteen year old high school student beginner so comment all you like but at least I've achieve something. Take note that I am being nice.


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