Chapter Seven: Twisted Faith

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                I saw a vision of my father spending time with Elrick, we know that we can trust Elrick now. I understand that Elrick needs to betray them just to save her wife. When I woke up, I am in cages, I don't know why, but I know that sign, it's the Arcanade Alliance Banner. I am a prisoner.

Chapter Seven: Twisted Faith

John enters the room. "Who are you really, what have you done to the real Snicx?"

"What are you talking about, I am Snicx." I answered.

"You must be a clone... you stole his memories to know his pasts. We are disposing you... permanently."

My weapon is at the corner far from the cage where I am trapped. He aimed the weapon to me and shot me... I used a skill to get my weapon from a distance and deflected his shot. He kept on shooting me until I deflected one if his shots to a control panel. I only knocked him out and I left the room. He stood up in pain and used the phone in his ear.

"Snicx is on the loose, kill him and don't let him get away." John yelled.

People carried their guns just to look for me, I ran through a lot of hallways and saw Veil and Gen on the way. They are carrying their weapons and started to attack me. Veil threw his weapon and used the chains to get it back again. I evaded his attack then Gen charged to me. She tried to slice me to the neck but I blocked it and pushed her back using the weapon. They kept attacking me but I actually knocked them out. I went to my bike and drove away from Arcanade Alliance.

"Where is Snicx... the cloned one?" John asked.

"He got away with a bike... we don't know where he went." Veil answered.

"Search the entire area and check every place and every corner. I want him caught." John's furious.

"Understood, and we'll kill him if possible." Veil replied.

They separated and went to different directions. While Gen is walking, her head is down with a disappointed face. Visions of me and her showed when we were still friends a few weeks ago. But all of that faded because of this incident. She went to her room alone without opening the door with her arms covering her head. I went hiding after I was chased by my own. I'm alone in the alley with no one to speak to, no one to ask for help, for answers, for actual evidences that I am indeed a clone. My head bowed with disgrace in my face, with no hope of going back. I closed my eyes with watering eyes when a light was shown at my side. I looked to my right side and saw my parents. My eyes widen and looked at them. My feelings suddenly turned happy with tears of joy.

"Go to Oblivion Island where we will reveal the truth." Stefan, my father, told me.

They disappeared and I was alone again. But now I have a lead, I will go to Oblivion Island and reveal the truth. I used my bike to go to the pier. Back at AA Organization (Arcanade Alliance organization), Gen has somehow overcome her feelings and went out of her room. She walked to the hallway and saw Veil talking to the phone with someone. He was somehow alone and no one suspected him. She hid to the corner of the wall and listened to what he said.

"I hope we still got our promise." Veil talks to the phone. "If I get him, I want to get the one you hold. I never imagined that I would do such a thing working with you, Felisha."

Gen's eyes widen and shocked from the betrayal. She slowly walked away and going to tell John. Before she could tell him, she was grabbed and knocked down by someone. As her vision fades, she saw Veil standing in front of her and then she fainted. I got to the pier but when I got there, AA Guards entered the building too. I must hide and at least join the crowd to remain stealth. I've got everything I needed to go to Philippines... I just need to pass some guards. I went to the boat that I needed to go but guards are swarming some entrances. A guard saw me and chased me slowly. He saw my jacket and so that guard called for help. I went to the crowd and saw a person with the same jacket as me. I went near him and when I passed through, I ran. I went to the plane and the one wearing the jacket was knocked down to the floor. I went inside the ship and now... I'm on my way to Philippines. Gen woke up and was tied up to a dark room. She was sitting on a chair and strangling hard to get out. The light bulb suddenly turned on and Veil was standing behind her.

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