Chapter Two: Home [UPDATED]

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Ophelia had been driving for the past two days, nonstop. She felt sick. She was starving. Everything on her body hurt. She was exhausted. But mostly, she was afraid. She just wanted it all to end. There were times she felt she was going crazy. There were times she was certain that she'd seen him. 

Her phone had been going off nonstop, for the past 5 hours. She never needed to look at it to know who it was. She was over this shit. She needed to start over. She pulled over to the side of the road eyeing her phone like it was the cause of all of her problems. She had 17 missed calls and 11 texts. She deleted them all. As if it would delete him. She needed to make two phone calls before she finished the last couple of hours of her road trip. 

The first was to her boss.

"Denise Withers", the woman answered.

"Hey, Denise. It's Dr. Teller... I was wondering if you could do me a favor", she said trying to sound okay. 

She knew she didn't though. The past few days had been hell. Though she was determined to get home, part of her just wanted to give up. She wasn't even certain that he wouldn't find her again. She just knew what would happen to him if he did this time. 

"What is it, Doctor ? Are you okay? You sound sick", Denise replied. 

"I'll be okay, Denise. I was just wondering if you could make a call for me... To St. Thomas hospital in Charming, California", she replied.

"Charming? That's where you are from, isn't it? What do you need me to call for?", she asked.

Ophelia knew that she was probably just worried, but she was pissing her off. She kept asking so many fucking questions. She just wanted to get off of the phone and get home. Every second waiting was another millenia of paranoia for Ophelia. She was just over it all. She was ready for her mom to cook her too much food and be too involved in every aspect of her life. She was ready for a life of freedom. A life away from him. It couldn't happen until she was home. 

"I need to see if they have any openings", she replied holding in her complaints.

"You're leaving us, Ophelia?", she asked, now sounding very worried.

"I really need to be with my family right now", was all Ophelia could muster without breaking down into tears or cussing her boss out for asking, yet another, fucking question.

"I can make the call, Doctor. I can hear in your voice that you plan on leaving with or without the promise of a job. I would hate to such an amazing surgeon not using her gift. We will all miss you here, Ophelia", she admitted.

Ophelia couldn't think of a reply. She just muttered a small "Thanks, email me with the follow-up?", into the phone before hanging up. 

The next call that she needed to make would be a lot harder.

After ringing for a few minutes, the phone went to voicemail. Ophelia was glad. After talking to her boss, she didn't want anymore questions being thrown at her. After the beep, she started.

"Uh... M-Mom.... I'm c-coming home. I d-don't really want to go into wh-why. I guess, I guess what you told me was true... I'll only feel safe when I'm surrounded by family. God, mom, y-you have no idea how true that is. Anyways, gi-give me a few hours. I'll be there soon. I'm gonna go to the clubhouse. Maybe I'll see you there? I love you, mommy... Bye."

She hadn't realized she was crying. She was surprised by the relief she felt knowing she was going home. She missed her mother. She missed her brother. Hell, she even missed her pigheaded stepdad. She was just ready to feel safe again. She was so close too. 

Before starting the car and finishing her long drive, Ophelia threw her phone out of the window.

'I will not let that motherfucker control my life', she thought, before pulling off. 

And she knew that no one from back home would let that motherfucker do so too.


She pulled her truck into the parking lot of the Teller-Morrow Auto Shop. 

'Nothing ever changes in this place', she thought to herself. She parked and she really wanted to get out. But when she tried to get out of the car, She felt so much pain. It was like all of the adrenaline had worn off and now all she had left was the agony of what she had endured. Her body was on fire. She started to feel dizzy. 

'You can do this. The pain is all in your head. One foot in front of the other. It's not that hard', she tried to pep talk herself internally.

Still, she couldn't move. Every time that she did, she felt like her insides were ripping apart, and she wanted to puke and then curl into a little ball. She sat for about 30 minutes until someone in the clubhouse realized that some strange car had been sitting in their parking lot for half an hour. 

Someone knocked on her window, making her jump. That made the pain radiate through her body once again. She made a guttural sound. Whoever it was, they were pointing a gun at her. She was delirious at this point. Flashing back between reality and being back in that room with him. She wished that whoever it was would just pull the trigger. She couldn't live this way anymore. 

The person pulled the door open.

"Who the hell are you?!", Tig shouted. The person he was looking at not even registering with him. 

"I-I know that it's been a while, Tiggy, but I haven't changed th-that much", Ophelia managed to get out through the pain. Her voice was so small. It was basically just a whimper. 

"O? What the hell happened to you?", he asked, after bending down to get a good look at the young woman that he cared for so much.

"Uh, I'm sorry. You guys probably thought that I was a cop or something even worse. I ju- I...", Ophelia didn't know what to say.

She honestly hated sounding weak or needy. She got that trait, along with countless others, from her mother. These people knew her as such a stubborn, strong person. She hated that they were going to see her like this. 

"Oh, Baby. Come here", he said, picking her small frame up which hurt her like hell. He brought her into the clubhouse. 

"Call, everybody, Juice. Half Sack, get me some towels, or something", he demanded to the other people in the room.

Ophelia just sat there in a daze unable to tell how much time had passed or even how she was feeling. She knew she felt like shit, though. She just wanted to sleep, but fear kept her wide awake. She just stared at this spot in the ceiling. 


Gemma was the last person to show up. Her presence entering the room shook Ophelia out of her daze. Her mother's presence always did this to her. 

Gemma looked at her baby girl on the couch and she got those worried eyes that she always gets. She knew some man did this to her daughter. And she'd make sure that this bastard never saw the light of day again. 

"Ophelia, Baby, what happened?", she asked her daughter, kneeling down besides her.

"Hey, mom", was all Ophelia could muster.

"Oh, Baby...", she replied, before leaning down to kiss her daughter's forehead.

She didn't make her talk in that moment, but Gemma was going to make her daughter spill the beans sooner or later. She knew she would. All she needed to do was wait. 

Her baby girl was home now. And that's all that mattered. 

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