Where Do Broken Hearts Go

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Harry looked at his dark surroundings as he slowly drove around, being careful not to miss anything in the dark night. The moon was the only source of light for Harry as he tried to find Niall. Harry felt horrible and wanted to take back everything he said, but it was already too late and all he could do as he looked for Niall was try to keep his tears in and the words he had choked up inside. Niall wasn't at fault, though, because he hadn't been the one to say those horrible things and Harry really couldn't blame him for leaving.

That evening, Harry and Niall fought because Niall had heard Harry say some things which he didn't mean.

Of course, Niall confronted Harry, which agitated him and he lashed out, telling Niall that he meant all he said because Niall was such a 'nosy fuck'.

Niall had left in a fit of pique, feeling betrayed by Harry and left the apartment.


Harry remembered this old memory of one of their first fights, quite shocked by how similar things were, except he wouldn't be able to tell Niall any of the sweet things he had said that night, or be able to give him kisses. Harry knew there was a small part of his heart really longing to be able to hold Niall, but he kept his guard, telling himself that he had Louis and that he was enough. But of course, that part of his heart just wouldn't go away.

He reached the bar soon enough, parking in front of it and going inside. He had expected to find Niall standing on a table with his shirt off and dancing, because that's how drunk Niall usually was; Honest but also with no control over himself.

But instead, Harry found only a couple teenagers dancing to the music and a few drinks still having their share of drinks at the counter. There was no sign of Niall, so he went into the bathroom hoping Niall was in there but finding it empty except for a man peeing in the urinal, which made Harry awkward so he left and got into his car, very lost and scared.

He was worried about Niall and was about to go for a scavenger hunt around the city to find Niall, hoping he hadn't gotten in an accident or at least gotten a taxi to go home.

Harry was about to call Niall, but his phone blared and he saw Louis' caller ID on the screen. He groaned and sighed, which wasn't a very appealing combination and picked up the phone, waiting for Louis to explode.

"Where the actual fuck are you at? Why is there milk on the kitchen floor? Why is your car gone?"

Harry tried to answer Louis' bombarding questions but Louis just kept getting mad. Like a mother would, almost, when she was asking her child where he was.

Harry was very annoyed with Louis, trying to be calm with him but of course, Louis wasn't thinking about what he was saying and blurted out some things which not only made Harry mad, but made him swerve on the road a little. Thankfully, it was 4 am in the morning so there weren't a lot of cars on the road. A few still honked at him.

"What did you say?" Harry seethed, gritting his teeth at the imbecile words that came out of Louis' mouth.

"I said; Is it just me or has that little bitch at the grocery store is just messing with your head?"

"Shut the fuck up, Louis, before I say something I regret," Harry warned Louis as he tried to keep his mind focused on driving. It was very difficult to do but he managed.

"Why? Why is saying something about him affecting you?" Louis said, sounding very bitter and annoyed. Almost like he was done with Harry's attitude towards him. "Why do you care so much about him, huh? The boy just made a wall come in between us, and it's not that hard to figure out..." Louis' voice trailed off as if he was embarrassed.

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