Why Don't We Go There

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During a date on Saturday, Niall and Harry sat at a small table, across and looking at each other with subconscious smiles present on both their faces, and their posture so relaxed, as if they'd been having a huge burden to carry on each of their shoulders. So far, their weekend was going by great, except from a few calls Niall had gotten from Mrs. Reed stating that Harry's shift was about to end and that she hadn't seen a huge improvement in the children.

Putting that aside, they'd come to a nice restaurant which Harry had insisted to pay for, despite the protesting from Niall, but he knew that Niall wasn't as wealthy anymore and decided to treat him a little, and also used the fact that he was the one who had asked him on a date so he should have been the one who paid.

Everything was going smoothly until suddenly, Niall's ringtone blared, making the grumpy old couple beside them glare nastily at the two, which Harry returned because they had made the move to insult his long hair when they had seated, but more because they had insulted Niall as well and Harry had gotten very protective. And so, they also added a rude remark about how two men shouldn't be together on a date. They'd have asked to move tables but the restaurant was full, so Niall had calmed Harry down and proceeded to order.

With only a glance at the couple, Niall gingerly made his phone silent and looked at the caller ID.

Liaaamm Beaan

One look at the caller and Niall almost had a heart attack.Harry must've sensed his sudden change in posture because he placed a hand on Niall's cheek, which was paled as the rest of his face. He couldn't bring himself to answer at first, so he let it ring, gesturing to Harry with a sort of calm look that it wasn't an important call.

But then again, after a few minutes, Liam called again, making Niall jump in his seat when the phone buzzed in his jeans' pocket.

"Hello?" Niall said, finally picking up with a small voice, "Yeah,"

Harry frowned but there was the smile on his face, still.

"Y-Yeah... Mhhmm..." Niall kept stammering, "Okay, yeah.... No sorry, I can't.... No, I didn't forget... Yeah, bye Liam,"

Suddenly, Harry stiffened, staring at Niall with a blank expression. And then he spoke up, after a very long period of silence between the both of them.

"Do I know him?" He asked, looking at Niall with the same expression, "Wait, isn't he the guy you were um.... With that other night?" Niall nodded, his gaze traveling down to his hands as if they were spectacular and he just couldn't tear his eyes away from them.

"Liam? Liam as in the Liam who almost fucked my boyfriend Liam?" Harry kept ranting, and Niall felt his heart flutter at the word 'boyfriend' but kept the smile away. Everything was quiet again, with Harry staring at Niall with an expectant look, questioning him almost.

"Yeah," Niall said after a pregnant pause, "That Liam, but Haz-"

"Are you fucking with me?" Harry interrupted, but he didn't wait for an answer, and just pulled Niall up by his hand, which Harry didn't realize but he had been grasping really tightly.

He dragged him all the way to the cashier, paying feverishly while Niall bit his nails and kept stuttering about dessert only to be ignored by Harry and gave up, following Harry all the way to his car.

Finding Eachother // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now