Tell Me A Lie (pt2)

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Guys I've started noticing a lack of comments:( Not that I'm begging for them but they motivate me to write:). Comment please...


"Who's Louis?"


Harry stared at Niall with a poker face, holding all the emotions in. His lip was being constantly bitten and his eyes flickered all over the blondes face trying to find any sort of emotion that might give him a clue to what he should've said next.

It would've sounded quite shocking to anyone, really, that a man didn't know his boyfriend's ex, and the ex actually call the boyfriend after the fight that they had, but to Harry, it all made sense, and he was quite scared to be honest.

"Harry," Niall said quietly again, an unreadable expression on his face, "Who's calling?"

The phone had stopped vibrating for a few seconds before blaring again, making Niall flinch as the sudden movement started in his palm.

"Uh," Harry said, trying to read through Niall's emotions, "No one, really," was all he could cough up. His mouth opened and closed like a fish and the most awkward part was their position. Niall was leaning on Harry's chest, the curly haired boy's arm snaked around his waist while Harry was leaning against the headboard. Obviously, in a situation as such, they wanted to be farther away but neither could bring themselves to move.

"It's obviously someone," Niall muttered, as if Harry wouldn't hear him, "His contact name had a heart after it,"

Harry almost choked. He had forgotten to change Louis' contact name and the results were being thrown at his face. He couldn't have hurt Niall again, not again.

He just couldn't hurt Niall again. Niall's heart was always sensitive, and incredibly easy to break. Every time it was broken, it took months to heal, and Harry had already proved that once and he didn't want to do it again.

"Niall," Harry said, trying to take his phone, but Niall dodged, "Niall please,"

"Who... Who's Louis?" Niall moved back and away from Harry, his eyes starting to glaze over slightly, "Is he? Is he the guy you... You were..." Niall's words were slightly choked up, "D-dating? Is he the guy that... That...." Niall trailed off, looking at his fingers and a few silent tears making their way down his cheeks.

Harry tried to grab Niall's hand, but Niall moved away before Harry could so much as touch him.

"Niall, you've got to understand, it's -"

"You've been talking for ages! Since we...," he was scrolling through Harry's passcode-less phone now, an expression of nothingness other than than the pure outrage on his face, he looked as if he didn't want to believe it, "Saturday, the beach..." He kept on shaking his head as Harry looked at the floor, his face ridden with guilt, "Monday, after work, an hour of conversation! Where was I? And then yesterday! Where the fuck was I?" His accent was incredibly deep and thick, almost intimidating.

On the other hand, Harry was frozen stiff... Couldn't move but stare at the floor with an incredibly guilty look on his face.

"I can't believe it... You've been texting him as well," Niall sharply inhaled as he started to read the messages, "Sorry babe, can't make it tonight. Got plans with Ni. What about next week?"

Niall inhaled again, a few more tears falling down his face and continued reading them. He went through all the conversations and all the calls. He went through the sweet words they shared. He couldn't help it, he started to sob, his whole body shaking. His heart felt broken, because yet again, he put his trust and love in the same man that had broke both. His heart and his trust and left him alone without anyone to be loved by or anyone to love. He was alone for months and he was taken aback. The memories he'd spent creating with this man, were coming back, the bad ones along with the good ones.

"Niall," Harry raised his voice, suddenly appalled that Niall was making such a big deal out of nothing. Suddenly his demeanor changes completely and he's glaring at the boy, "It's literally nothing! Why the hell are you crying?"

Niall looked up at Harry, shaking his head a little. His face is red but it's clear that his face paled a little when he heard the tall boy's tone.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing as always. You're being weak, yet again," Harry laughed bitterly, "Always. Broken hearted Niall that was fucking this Liam guy in front of his boyfriend, Niall Horan..."

"W-what?" Niall hiccuped, backing away, "This isn't... This isn't nothing, you're.. You're my boyfriend and you just, you.. You're talking to another man and I... He has a heart after his contact name and you're calling him b-babe and stuff," he hiccuped again.

Harry's glare deepens and he's standing up now, which makes Niall's figure shrink slightly, but enough to be noticeable by someone who would've been standing a few feet away. Harry obviously notices it but doesn't back down.

"Are you fucking with me?" He asks, the same question as when Liam had called the blonde during their date, "I forgot to change his name after we clearly broke up, and it's just a little mistake," his accent was sharp and his voice was deeper than normal, intimidating to say the least and of course, Niall felt himself widening his eyes and backing away more so he was basically about to fall off.

"I talked to him. Babe is a British slang!" He shouted, and Niall's heartbeat quickened, "I can't believe you,"

"Harry!" Niall got up his time, regaining his unstable balance, "I- gosh just forget it why don't you? Go get drunk, whatever the fuck you want. I can't believe you got mad when Liam called, but now it's wrong for me to get mad that you've been texting and calling a guy without asking your boyfriend for permission," Niall started to mock, "Unlike me, who had to beg to call Liam and yet you said no, so I agreed and left it at that. And now here we are, you are meeting up with your ex and shit behind my back... Your boyfriends back and expect me not to get mad even slightly,"

"Still no biggy. You were having sex with the guy!" Harry throws his hands up in the air, "I'm not a toy!"

"You? A toy?" Niall asked incredulously, "After everything you did to me... You're a toy?"

With one last comment, Niall left the room, "You... I... I shouldn't have come back to you, you're still the fucking mistake I made back when we were sophomores, and you're still the same mistake now. I can't change that, and I was hoping you could. But no... You're..." He inhaled sharply, wiping a few of the tears that pricked his eyes, "you're still that slutty man whore that fucked another guy while I was still yours, and I won't be surprised if that's still what's happening.... You're the same fucktard who fucking laughs when I told you I was raped by someone, instead of consoling me as I would've in the same situation. My nightmares," Niall shook his head, as if ashamed of saying what he said next, "You laughed when I told you that those memories came back to me at night... But those nightmares... They, they changed. They changed because then... Y-you haunted me."

Harry was left, staring at the mahogany door, with wide eyes and a sinking heart which was being stabbed by those malevolent words spoken by the man he loved. He couldn't help himself...

The razor was waiting to be found.


Woooo damn .

#TeamHarry or #TeamNiall

I'm so confused lmao.

Anyway, so you guys like my writing? Please tell me and please please please comment? They make me so happy and My day. I literally smile for like hours

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