Girl Almighty

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(I know the title makes no sense bc this is a Narry fic but don't worry, they're not gonna date a girl or whatev)

Harry stared at Niall as he sat on the counter, talked to a girl, with a very big smile on his face. Harry knew he shouldn't be jealous but he couldn't help it. Niall kept on holding her hand, laughing, and looking like he was having a good time.

On the other hand, Harry sat on a small table, alone, watching his boyfriend with a girl, as a bunch of girls and even men tried getting to know him.

He had nothing to do at that point and all he wanted to do was smack the girl with Niall. He knew that Niall wasn't gonna cheat on him with her but he was still quite conscious about himself despite the multiple times Niall had told him clearly that he was perfect for him, but with the girl there with Niall, he couldn't exactly focus and remember what Niall had said. He could've left, too, but for the sake of Niall, he stayed put and prevented himself from intervening their 'conversation'


Harry was barely listening to the long lecture Louis was giving him, because right behind Louis, sat a girl with nice brown hair, which flowed everywhere due to the wind, and bright eyes which complimented her playful smirk. She was beautiful, definitely, there was no question, even Harry thought so, but there was another reason he was so content with confronting her.

"Are you listening to me, Haz?"

Harry snapped back to reality and looked at Louis with a poker face. But Louis seemed to be having none of it. He was glaring at Harry, with a scowl, too, but unfortunately for him, Harry wasn't one bit intimidated by the look.

Louis had forced Harry to come to a small restaurant, and give him an hour lecture about the night when Harry had looked for Niall. Harry hadn't even tied to hide the fact that he was with Niall and told Louis to his face which made Louis very upset. And that turned into anger. Of course, Harry felt slightly guilty, but my much, because he kept on sipping his lemonade and tequila mix and staring at the girl behind Louis. It hadn't occurred to him that Louis was staring at him, with a very broken expression on his face.

When Harry turned towards Louis, he realised that he was getting up and ready to leave. "Wait?! Lou, where are you going?"

"Obviously, I'm not enough," Louis said with a small voice, "So I think it's better if we stop.... You know.... Us..."

Harry was dumbfounded. The girl he was staring at made a low 'ooh' sound, and Louis turned to glare at her. Instead of being a little shameful, she just shrugged and started to drink what seemed like her Pina Colada. (A/N Pina colada is my shit)

Harry only stared at Louis as he walked away, a pang of guilt kept knocking on his heart, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the door. As he was finally about to sit back down, the voice of an old lady spoke up. "You two shouldn't even be together, Jesus don't like that,"

Harry turned to face an old lady with wrinkled skin and a glare almost permanently carved into her face. Harry knew old ladies were the meanest of all kinds of people, but he just stared at her with a poker face. She still didn't seem affected and kept on rambling her insults.

"A man with a man, who oughta thought that would've been a thing!" She said, bitterly laughing, "Man. Kids these days got their minds in a gutter. You can't love a man if you're a man, and you can't love a girl if you're a girl.  I say we stop-"

"Hey, Lady, no one, I mean literally no one, asked for your opinion, " a feminine voice shouted and this time Harry turned to the table in front of him, seeing the same girl he was looking at in a completely different way. She had replaced  her relaxed features into a sassy one, with her eyebrow raised and lips slightly pursed.

"Now is that the right way to talk to an old lady who is innocent-"

"Innocent my arse," the girl spoke up, earning a gasp from the old lady, "You're telling me you've done nothing? Well, dear lady, you are no one to stop love, you understand? Use that mouth of yours to protest against something else, like why the kids in Africa aren't bein' fed properly. That mouth is for protesting about things that are not right. Gay is legal now, okay? And it's just like that. Girls like girls, boys like boys, boys like girls, and girls like boys. Deal with it. One day, I hope that the whole group of people like you just take a moment and shut the fuck up and realise that there's nothing wrong with love!" The girl screamed at the lady, obviously angered and slammed her hand on the table, making her drink spill a little.

Harry had had his moments with homophobic a but this was a first. People like her were the reason that gay marriage was turned legal, and he was incredibly happy. The old lady was obviously shocked and just took her bag, leaving a few notes for the salad and leaving he shop.

The whole restaurant burst into applause for the girl and she just smiled at Harry. Then she stood up and made an announcement, "I, Audrey Hepburn, don't mind my name, my parents decided since they're Hepburn's , they'd name me Audrey, shall live up to my name, which means brave, and announce that from today, whoever insults gays in front of my eyes or near me, shall be slayed," and with that, she sat down and started to eat. Harry slowly got up and sat in the seat across from her. She looked up, not very surprised, as if she was expecting the action.

"Thank you very much," Harry said, smiling in gratitude. She just shrugged it off and smirked. "Thank you, really,"

"Yeah, anyway. That guy was kinda.... Blunt?" She stated, "Sorry, man,"

"It's not his fault, it's honestly because if me, because I'm still not over someone else, I guess you could say," Harry admitted to her, looking down on his lap, and for the first time in a long time, he thought about his memories with Louis, and nothing to with Niall.

He finally realised that he could have ended things with Louis in a much better way, which didn't involve being publicly dumped. The circumstances for Louis and him were different. To Harry, he was missing someone he still loved. To Louis, his boyfriend was distracted by another man and he was being ignored as well. Harry decided. That he should've seen it from Louis' point of view before.

"Hey, have I seen you somewhere before?" The girl asked and Harry looked up at her, nods I slightly. "I'm Harry, and I think you know Niall, my ex," he said, and soon asked a following question, "What's your name?"

"I think I already said I was Audrey," she laughed and then nodded slightly, "Yeah, I remember Niall. He still talks to me sometimes. Poor guy, he's so torn," she admitted, sighing and looking down. Harry was confused by this, and looked at her with a funny expression, he didn't know Niall hadn't moved on.

"Well, I guess I gotta go, and I know you're gonna thank me again, but no problem," Audrey said and stood, getting ready to leave. Before Harry could stop her, she was already out the door and left Harry on his own to his thoughts.

Published; August 2015
Edited; April 2016


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