Reservations and Form (Open)

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There are twenty-four spots. They are not gender-biased; however, if I get twenty-four female characters, I will not be very happy. Be creative! An original character will probably get more sponsorships/higher scores than a cookie-cutter cliche.

Reservations will last for forty-eight hours. If you need an extension, please PM me/comment on this chapter so we can discuss it. If you reservation runs out, you will be able to re-reserve, but only after another twelve hours has passed.

If you wish you reserve anonymously, you can! Simply PM me that you'd like a spot and your username will not be revealed until you are eliminated or you win.

If we have at least eighteen spots reserved and there are no new reservations for at least three days, I will consider closing reservations early - however, I don't want to do that, so please promote these games to your followers and other writers who may be interested in them (#shameless).

Spots are, as always, first come first serve. If they somehow fill super quickly, I recommend that you wait for someone to fail to hand it (trust me, it will happen).

Email all forms to I will not accept forms/tasks through PM as it's unreliable and often messes up. If you don't have an email address, please contact me.

And I've talked long enough, so without further ado, the form! (It will be posted in the comments section as well so you can copy/paste it)

Name: (and pronunciation if necessary)

Age: (14 - 20 for these games)


Tribute Number:

Physical Appearance: (be detailed! pictures are acceptable, but I need a written description as well)

Personality: (again, detailed, but don't give it all away. Let your character show some aspects of personality as well)

Background: (include family members, significant events, etc.)

Why they entered: (brief)

Weapon of Choice:



Reservations (24 spots open!)

Tribute 1 - Emere Lane (Anonymous)

Tribute 2 - Josephine Brock (Anonymous)

Tribute 3 - Ayla Lucas (The_Real_Alix)

Tribute 4 - Gage Creed (Anonymous)

Tribute 5 - Jamir Randera (Anonymous)

Tribute 6 - Regina Bailey (Squad53)

Tribute 7 - Avalon Grey (WhovianHorseLover)

Tribute 8 - Adele Chaudhry (Anonymous)

Tribute 9 - Willis Dale (SpookiPunk)

Tribute 10 - Cyon Targaryon (jesusfreak202)

Tribute 11 - Meg Caraway (Anonymous)

Tribute 12 - Skylar Hatter (DisfiguredStars)

Tribute 13 - Amphitrite Helios (minijessie_)

Tribute 14 - Jalace Holloway (jesusfreak202)

Tribute 15 - Dorn (kaidell)

Tribute 16 - Mala Akindi (kaidell)

Tribute 17 - Jenae Saya (Anonymous)

Tribute 18 - Ivory Fairwell (Anonymous)

Tribute 19 - Edrea Abell (libsterloo77)

Tribute 20 - Adrien Thiswood (ChessZ)

Tribute 21 - Minerva Sinclair (Anonymous)

Tribute 22 - Casper Delirious (RayChrisDG)

Tribute 23 - Virgil Wade (AverageEverydayHero) 

Tribute 24  - Evora Gimp (Clara-impossible)

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