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Name: Emere Lane (eh-meer)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Tribute Number: One (1)

Physical Appearance: With black hair and eyes that bleed envy, Emere is wistful. His green irises are capable of deep stares, matching the conversations he loves to enjoy. They can just as easily roll to the ceiling in annoyance; he experiences that a lot. His hands are graceful as he uses them. They are swift and skillful like his legs, while his arms lack any real imagination. He is tall, but not too tall. He is of average weight and intelligence, but resides on the creativity side of the spectrum. His actions are most often narrated by his own poetry and inner, embellished, storylines. His lips are beautiful when they are curved into a smile. This, everyone knows.

Personality: Emere values satisfaction. Whether it is endowed in his inner thoughts or relationships, he needs to feel some sense of being finished. He scours his brain for words to finish sentences. He searches his home to discover something new, something with more inspiration for him to swim under. A part of him is self-conscious about how verbose he can be, but it doesn't matter to him. The negativity is usually twisted into something more beautiful. He dislikes when a person is false. A bad experience, which ultimately led to his best friendship ever, also resulted in a scarred brain. He exaggerates, twists, and literally hides things about himself simply to feel safer. If one knows him, they often ask themselves: Do I really know him?

Background: His best friend, Jenae, was the least likely person to become Emere's platonic soulmate. She is beautiful, like her brother, who Emere fell in love with. His name is Clyro, which is now a forbidden turn on the streets of his mind. Before then, he was revealing, and willing to place faith in anyone he spoke too. Now, he has no trust to give. He broke him to pieces, to sharpened shards that he takes as a gift. He says that it saved him, but Jenae hates her brother for what he did.

Emere was led on and dropped off a cliff like nothing. He feels like nothing, and after this, he can either stay like that or become something.

Emere's family is more minimalistic. He is the youngest of three, contributing to his wilder, and artsier side. His father is a working, respectable man, much like Emere's brother is becoming. His sister is more responsible, and she values family above all else, like their mother. Emere resembles no one.

Why They Entered: On the outside, he joined because of Jenae. They've had a bet for many years that he's held a childish grudge over. And, as immortal as the two friends aren't, they joined to solve the dilemma. On the inside, he needs change. He needs identity. He needs, well, more need.

Weapon of Choice: Smaller knives, or an arrow in itself. No bow; it can stand on its own.

Token: Hidden from everyone, even Jenae, he kept a torn piece of fabric from that day. It belonged to a shirt sleeve of Clyro's, but it was ripped after the argument. 

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