chapter 7: The Vanglazian

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Chapter 7:

Brittany was caught in a whole pile of leaves and twigs. I wonder how that even happened; I just looked at her in shock as she groans holding her leg. There was an awkward silence between us, then I decided to say something, for that the silence was killing me.

“Are you okay” I asked trying not to laugh

“Well yes I’m fine” she said sarcastically, as she held out a hand. I reached and picked her up as she groaned.

“Thanks” she said, then we started walking forward as we tried to find where we were going, it was too dark to see a thing. I just had Ashley by my side, and continued to walk.

“I think we are far enough, I’m tired, let’s just camp out here” Jason said as he sat on the ground. Everyone started to unpack their stuff to set up their tents, I had nothing with me so I sat by a tree and relaxed, as Ashley laid out her blanket to lie on. I found my position very uncomfortable, so I tried to lie on the ground, but the twigs were poking my face. Frustratingly I stood up, and started walking to find a place that was piled with leaves.

“What’s wrong” Jackie asked as she was laying in her tent..

“Nothing” I lied. I wish I had a tent, but we had to take turns using the tents. I just sat on the ground, as everyone was sleeping. My eyes were wide open as I looked around the woods. It was pretty dark after all, and I started getting a bit scared.

“Here” Jason chuckled as he threw a blanket to me, “just ask” he added as he smiled at me. “Thanks”  I said shivering.

“You cold?” he asked

“I’m good” I said as I wrapped the blanket around me. Still wondering how I will put my head on the ground, because of the twigs on the ground.

“Well, I only have one pillow” he said as he threw his pillow over to me.

“No you don’t have to” I said as I threw it back

“Well. I’m on top a pile of leaves, please take it” he implied throwing the pillow right back at me.

“Thanks” I happily said, as I placed the pillow on the ground, I rested my head on the fluffy pillow, as I shut my eyes.

My eyes instantly flickered open as I was drenched in water.

“Wake up” Kimberley said

“Why did you pour water on my face” I yelled, then I finally saw everyone with their weapons, I then finally realized that I’ve slept too much. I got up and grabbed my bow and arrow.

“I’m ready” I said to Kimberley with a snappy attitude, she just rolled her eyes, as I heard a blur of swear words escaping from her mouth. I started walking, as my heart started to pound. I wasn’t ready for war.

“Let’s spilt up” Jason said

“What about Ashley” I yelled

“She’s with Eddie”, he said as he cracked a smile

“Will they be ok?” I asked

“Of course” he said

“Where are the other groups?”I asked

“Scattered all over the woods, this place is huge and anyway I’ve marked the places where we should meet in case of emergencies, and always keep your walky talkies on” he said

“Ok” I said as I walked away. I was scared that some Vanglazian would come up to me and plunge a knife into me. I just slowly walked looking all over, spinning around, frightened. As I walked I noticed it got warmer. I guess that meant we were getting closer to Vanglaza. But if we went into their kingdom we would melt because of the intense heat. While I was walking the silence was irking me a bit, so I started walking backwards trying to watch, but then I fell to the ground and scratched my knee. I then noticed, I was on top of a cute guy.

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