Crystal Rose

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Chapter one: Ice Wonders  

I inhale the cold misty air as I spin my self around wondering where I am, having no clue how I got here and when I got here. I sit on the ice cold ground covered in ice like a skating rink. I'm trying to figure out why I'm not shivering but no sense comes into me right now, because I'm in a horrible mood, just trying to figure out what happened to me.

All I remember was that on a nice warm summer day at about 8 o'clock my mom, dad,  brother, and I were eating filet mignon at a fancy restaurant in a massive cruise. There were gold chandeliers, gold colored plates with  silverware placed on top of the plates wrapped in a crimson cloth, and pianists followed by violinists playing a soothing tune. The walls were a beautiful shade of rosewood red. While men and women were talking, laughing, or kissing, and how they looked at each other. Different colored dresses, raspberry, russet, Burnt sienna, and cosmic latte that were so vivid. How a man went down on one knee to propose, the shocked face on the women, then the instant "yes!". All the waitresses and waiters holding glass plates as they serve the patient couples, while the women laugh gazingly, which made the men laugh along.

After I stared at those people, I then wiped off my red wine colored strapless dress as a drop of water landed on my lap. I saw my mother as she kissed my father, this was like the millionth time she kissed my father, today was there 38th anniversary. I remember the black sparkling dress she wore and the nice dress shirt that was white with a black and gold checkered tie over it and a nice suit that went with it. I remember my 17 year old brother texting as some potato coins fell on his white polo shirt. His brown hair nice and curly, and his nice fluorescent hazel eyes.

Then after I did my observations, I reposed my hair back to the side as I walked to the women's bathroom. The huge mirrors with golden frames, then the golden sink with silver faucets. Even the stalls were burgundy, I guess the theme colors were red, burgundy, and gold.

What great choice of colors. I stood in front of the empty mirror and stared at my amber eyes as I put eyeliner and mascara on. Then I put on some amaranth lipstick on my pink chap lips, and then as soon as I got my comb out to comb my hair there was a huge "boom" the cruise collided into something, as the force pushed my head into the hollow mirror. I fell to the ground groaning in pain as blood trickled down my nose. I then noticed how hard my head or the force was as I stare at the broken mirror. I tried to run out of the room but then the lights just flickered off.

I heard screaming and crying all over, the noise filled my ears which made me burst into anger. I stood up and ran to the door but I slipped and fell because of the water on the ground. I couldn't see a thing, I started to crawl to the door even though I couldn't see a thing. Whenever I moved, the babble of screaming and crying decreased, not knowing whether they're dead or getting rescued out of the boat. Then I heard a door shut and the keys shake. I just realized that it was the door of the bathroom. The water was now up to my knees. I remembered that my phone was in my purse.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on as a guide for light. Then I dialed my mom's number as fast as I could. I was relieved when she answered.  

"Honey is that you! Where are you! Are you in the boat or in a canoe like us" she screams calamitously  

"I'm stuck in the bathroom and the door is locked" I shrieked  

"What di-" she begun as she was cut off as my phone dies.There was no longer reception and I forgot to charge my battery! Great a two way problem.

"Ahhhhh, no" I wailed as I started crying heavily. The water was up to my chest, it was so piercing and extrinsic. I swam around trying to find the door, then I felt something hard, it felt like the door so I banged on it hastily " can somebody help me!" I yelled " please help, please" I cried out as my voice echoed. But I didn't hear a response. I no longer heard screams or cries, it was dead silent except for the roaring of the boat as it was sinking. I don't think anyone is even in this bathroom except for me. I began to cry as the water went up to my lips, as the echo of the water filled the room.

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