Chatpter Two

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"Ciao, bella!" Feliciano said as their waitress arrived at their table.

"Buonosera, Feli! Long time no see! Is this-a your friend?" The waitress looked nervously towards Ludwig.

"Sì! Can you believe he's-a never had pasta before?"

The Italians rambled on for a while, but Ludwig didn't want to interfere. He was a prince, so it HAD to be only NATURAL to be polite.

Feliciano looked over to Ludwig, who had been sitting there for quite a while, "Oh, spiacente, Ludwig! We-a forgot to order!"

"Nien, nien take as much time as you'd like." Ludwig insisted.

Well, we'll start with bevande, per favore." Feliciano looked up at the waitress.

"Okay. What would you-a guys like to drink?"

"I'll have... limonata!" Feli cheered. He didn't like speaking complete English to Italian people. He loved his language.

"I'll have vater, please." Ludwig couldn't read the Italian menu, so he decided to order what every restaurant in the world (probably) sold.

"Okay! I'll-a be right back!" The waitress skipped off.

"Ludwig? Are you-a having trouble reading the menu?" Feliciano noticed Ludwig being baffled by the Italian words on the menu.

"N-nien. I can read it just fine." Ludwig lied.

"Oh yeah? Then, what-a does this mean?" The shorter man pointed to the word 'cena'.

"I... don't know. I don't even know how to pronounce zhat." He admitted.

"Aha! Awh, poor-a you! Well, I can order for you if you want!"

"I'd like zhat, zhank you."

"You-a said you wanted to try pasta, right?"

Ludwig gave a curt nod.

The waitress came back carrying their drinks. "Are you ready to-a place your orders?"

Feli nodded. "Sì. We'll both have the spaghetti with marinara sause, per favore." He decided to give Ludwig the first pasta that he'd ever tried.

The waitess nodded and walked off.

"Zo, Feliciano," Ludwig almost smiled saying the Italian's name, "aren't ju zcared of me?"

"Yep. Terrified!"

The German was taken aback by Feliciano's response. "Zhen vhy aren't ju running avay?"

"Well, it-a would be rude to crash into someone and then not-a do something to apologise! And you-a seemed lonely! But we're friends now, right?" Feliciano smiled.

"Food is here!" The waitress sat their pasta on the table and walked off.

"PASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Feli dug into his noodles.

Ludwig stared at the food. He didn't know if there was a way to eat pasta.

"Ludwig? Why aren't you-a eating?" The Italian looked up from his pasta.

"Oh, uhh is zhere a vay to eat pasta?"

"Not-a really. Look at that kid." He pointed to a young boy eating ravioli with his hands.

Ludwig looked at the kid then back to his pasta.

"Oh, Ludwig! You're-a hilarious! Here, let-a me help you." Feliciano twirled pasta around Ludwig's fork, then leaned over the table and shoved in into Ludwig's mouth.

Ludwig was in shock for a few seconds, then started to chew the pasta. It wasn't the wurst he ate at home, but it was good.

Feli took the fork out of Ludwig's mouth when Ludwig had eaten it all. "So? Is it good?"

Ludwig nodded. "Danke, Feliciano. I understand how to do it now."

They ate their pasta in silence. Ludwig was used to this, but it made Feliciano uncomfortable. His dinner at home was always hectic. Antonio would take a tomato from Lovino, Lovino would scream bloody murder, and Feli would scream in fear as he ate his pasta. That was how it was everyday. Ludwig's house-er castle- on the other hand, was very mannerful. Napkins were always on their laps, there were no elbows on the table, and well, manners. Gilbert wasn't good at that, though.

They paid their check and left.

"Ludwig! Let's go on a gondola!" Feli smiled as they walked out of the restaurant. 

"Gondola? One of zhose boat zhings?" 

"Si! It'll-a be free since I'm the gondolier!" The Italian pointed to a nearby dock that had many gondolas. They held tourists, couples, and training gondoliers. 

Ludwig had a sort of uneasy feeling about Feliciano steering a boat that he would be in, but at the same time he didn't want to hurt the little guy's feelings. "Sure. Ve can go." He hesitantly said.

"Really? Ve~! Andiamo!" Feliciano grabbed Ludwig by the wrist and happily ran to the dock. 

It only took about 10 seconds to get to the dock. Feliciano runs fast when he's excited. 

The German had to catch his breath when he got there. Even though Feli was dragging him, he still had to run, and the sudden movement also took his breath away.

"Ciao, Feli! Hop in a gondola!" A man from the dock shouted. 

"Ve~ Ok!" Feli carefully stood got into the gondola, "Ludwig, give-a me your hand. You might-a fall off if you're not careful!"

Ludwig grabbed Feliciano's small hand and sat in the gondola.

"And we're-a off!"

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