Chapter 6

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Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more.

My alarm woke me up at 10:00a.m, knowing that if I didn't set one I could sleep until noon. I wanted to begin to get on the same schedule as the rest of the Britain population.

I ran and pounced onto Kristina's bed shaking her awake. "What time is it?" She rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms above her head.

"Time for you to get up," I said as I strode over to the curtains and let the beautiful sun in. Kristina shielded her eyes from the sun with her pillow and rolled to left-side. "Kristina!" I exclaimed. "You have to get up... guess who texted me last night?"

"WHO!?" She instantly popped up.

I let out a laugh, "I knew that would get you up." I was proud for achieving the impossible of getting Kristina out of bed, well, semi-out of bed.

She stood and headed toward the bathroom. She hesitated going any further and looked over her right shoulder at me. "So no one actually texted you last night?" she asked like a little girl asking if Santa Clause was real.

I laughed again at her demeanor, "Yes, but it wasn't a big deal or anything. I just said that to get you up."

"I still want to know!" she scoffed.

I hesitated before telling her, "uh… it was just Liam." Kristina turned completely so that her whole front was facing me. She looked like a cartoon character with their jaw dropped to the floor. "What?" I asked.

"I knew it," she said before turning on her heel and strutting into the bathroom.

"Wait a second," I demanded as I followed after her. "Knew what?!"

"That Liam likes you, and you my friend have a little crush on him back," she smirked.

"Do not!" I protested like a pitiful child.

She began to laugh as she turned on the faucet above the sink. She rinsed her toothbrush under the water and squirted a bit of toothpaste on the bristles. "It's okay you know." I gave her a confused look, and she elaborated on her previous statement. "To like Liam. It's okay to like him. You can't go through life being scared that any guy you might get close to will end up like Jordan. That was ages ago Lexi, and you can't let that one guy ruin what you could have with the other great guys out there, like Liam. Maybe he isn't dating material, but someone is." She turned to look me directly in the eye, the mirror was no longer a barrier between me and her gaze. "If you don't give him a chance, at least be open-minded that someone will come along that is worth giving a chance. Lexi, I really think Liam is worth it. You only have one life, you can't live it constantly being afraid of love." She turned back to the mirror and stuck the toothpaste-covered toothbrush into her mouth. She had used the L. word. I hated it when someone used that word in 'that' context. It's okay when someone talks about their mom or dad, but a mate, it was so foreign to me. Besides, what did I know about Liam? Sure he was cute and a great singer, but he still intimidated me. Kristina was right, I am scared to let someone who can break my heart in. How was I supposed to find someone if I turned down every date I was asked on. Sure I'm only 18, but I have to be optimistic, I have to start to break down my wall. But I can't. I just can't yet. I know Liam isn't the one, how could he be? We aren't even going on a date tonight, it's just two friends hanging out. Just because Kristina was so open to having a boyfriend and 'going for it' doesn't mean I have to be. Yet.


----Kristina's POV:

It was 6:00p.m. and Andrew would be here any second. I emerged the staircase in a floral top, white shorts, and my navy vans. I wanted to look nice for Andrew, I really like him. My mind started to wonder to where he currently was, and if he was also thinking of me. The doorbell interrupted my thoughts; I jumped off of the stairs and pulled open the door. "Hi," I blushed as I said it.

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