Chapter 16

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I finished the conversation with my mother before slamming my phone to the night stand. I could feel tears weld in my eyes as my body heated with anger. I fell back on my bed and smacked my hands to my face feeling incredibly dizzy, but I couldn't take just lying here. I shot up onto my feet and replaced my phone into my palm. I let an ugly grunt escape my clenched teeth as I hurled my phone across the room at the door. I ripped a pillow off of my bed and forced my face into it letting out a loud scream. When that didn’t satisfy my anger, I threw the pillow, with two wet spots from my eyes, to the floor and began storming around the room. The tears fell harder as my anger increased, I let out an angry scream and kicked the pillow that I had just thrown. I paced even harder around the room before turning to see Kristina's worried face in the door. I ran to her and threw my arm around her neck letting the sobs come. I wanted to tell Kristina all of my feelings of what was going on, but I couldn't talk through the heaves that were choking me. After about a minute, my sobs slowed and I was able to hold a steady breath. I pulled away from Kristina seeing large water and mascara stains on her blue and yellow stripped v-neck.

"Okay to talk?" She knew me too well. I hated it when people ask me 'What happened?' five million times when I clearly am incapable of clearly communicating through words.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Okay, You okay?"

"No, neither will you be." I tried to look at her through my blurred vision.

"Huh? Tell me."

"My Mom's coming in tomorrow, to help us pack. Kristina We are leaving in less than two weeks." She stared into my eyes waiting for me to tell her I was kidding, but I wasn't. I saw the tears form in her eyes and she engulfed me into another hug. We were both sobbing into each others shoulders, comforting each other with our embrace.

Eventually, our breathing slowed. With our tear-stained faces and puffy eyes we descended the stairs to find Niall and Liam staring up at us with eyes full of worry and concern. Kristina held my hand tight in hers as we stopped on the last stair, "Um," her voice was shaky. "We are uh…  the school program is over the 28th, and uh, we are leaving that morning." Liam turned his back to us putting a hand on his forehead, and Niall remained staring into our sad faces with a look of hurt and disappointment.

"Liam," my shaky voice cracked. "Can you do something for me?"

He turned to face me and I saw hints of water encompassing his lashes and lower-lids. "Anything," he stared deeply into my eyes for any kind of hope.

"My mom is flying into the airport tomorrow to help us get our stuff packed up, could you maybe pick her up?" I innocently asked.

"Of course love." He kissed my forehead. "Just text me what time she wants me to get there, but uh, I gotta go."

"Me too," Niall proclaimed. They both walked out the door without another word.


The next morning I looked in the mirror only to find a distraught girl with red puffy eyes and dark circles underneath staring back at me. My lion mane of hair was a huge mess, and black remains of mascara were left in vertical lines down my cheeks. I looked at the dark room that I had just left and it seemed incredibly empty and uninviting, so I opened the adjoining door to Kristina's room and found it just as gloomy as mine. I didn't even attempt to awaken the sleeping zombie, I simply slid into the bed next to her and let my heavy eyes close.

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