Chapter 8

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Lexi's POV:

When I woke up, something heavy was lying across my back. My eyes fluttered open to see the sun starting to pour in through the blinds in our living room. I struggled to push my self into a seated position on the couch. Pressing my hand into the pillow that my head had recently occupied, and noticed something was beneath it. I turned my head to observe the pillow, and discovered the object to be someone's leg. My gaze followed the jean-covered limb to Kristina's head lightly laying on Niall's torso, up to Niall, awkwardly resting his head on the back cushion of the sofa. My eyes darted from his face to his limp left leg that was once draped over my back and now resting on my hip.

I tried to cautiously slide out without waking him, but my hand slipped from the edge of the couch causing my whole upper half to make contact with the ground below. The bang was loud enough that if someone was upstairs they would be able to hear it.

Niall flinched, most likely because of his leg being jolted so suddenly, and his eye lids peeled back exposing his blue irises. "What happened?" he said as he stretched his arms above his head.

"I fell of the couch, sorry I woke you." My reply made him chuckle.


"A tad," I couldn't help but to smile at the Irish boy who had pointed out a trait that I'm not too proud of.

Niall glanced down at his torso and realized Kristina's head was lightly placed into the crook where his right leg met his upper half. His lips formed an 'o' shape as his eyes became bigger at this new sight; I let out a soft giggle. Niall lightly cupped his hands under her head lifting it just enough for him to slide out and replace his lap with the pillow I had used.

"Top o' the mornin' to ya," he whispered trying not to wake the sleeping girl who lay on the sofa. "Got anything for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I can cook something." I really wasn't a breakfast person, but I could cook bisquick pancakes and the standard scrambled eggs.

Niall began to dig into the two pancakes I had stacked on his plate and the heaping of eggs he had helped himself to. "Good?" I questioned my cooking.

"Not bad. Do you have syrup?" I handed him the small plastic bottle of maple syrup before going to pull out the cereal. "No pancakes?" he looked confused.

"I'm not really a breakfast person. If I'm going to eat it, it depends on what it is and the quality of it. My cooking of pancakes and eggs don't really meet my standards," I grinned knowing he would not understand my picky eating habits, because no one understood.

"Ahh," he said still looking puzzled as he shoveled overcooked eggs into his mouth.

"I'm great at baking, and good with certain dinner and lunch meals, but breakfast foods aren't my specialty, so I'm sorry if it tastes like cardboard," I apologized knowing it would taste terrible.

"I actually want to be a cook at me own pub one day," he said making me feel all the more embarrassed. He was probably accustom to delicious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; but here I am, giving him pancakes from a box and overcooked eggs. "But ya know, I'll eat just about anything that is edible," he continued and flashed a smile in my direction, this statement made me feel better. My food was edible.

A groggy Kristina sauntered into the room rubbing her eyes, "Can I have some food? Niall?" She hadn't realized he had stayed over.

"I didn't want to leave you, I guess we all fell asleep on the couch," he chuckled.

"We all slept on that couch?" she sounded amazed that we could all fit onto the one piece of small furniture.

He threw his head back in laughter, "Surprisingly, and Lexi made eggs and pancakes." Kristina helped herself to a plate with two pancakes and no eggs, she knew my skills with the standard scrambled eggs.

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