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Automatic Thoughts or Assumptions (handout)

Example Thought; I am worthless...

(Fill in your thought)

Objective Thought Exercises: Learn to put your thoughts into contexts, questions & perspectives which work for you, not the other way around. Thoughts are only tools; learn to use them to help you take the effective action.

Definition: How do I define my key terms?

Evidence: What objective facts support or disconfirm this thought? How can I collect evidence?

Practical: What are the pros and cons of believing this thought?

Alternatives: Are there multiple alternative explanations? What are they?

Deeper meaning: What would it mean to me even if it were true? How would I cope with the worst probable case?

Double Standards: Would I apply this same thinking to others? If I were being genuine but compassionate to a friend, what would I say?

Distortions: Examine the logic. Is this thought breaking the objective rules of logic and probability? What old thought patterns are twisting the logic? How would I untwist it?

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