Chapter 8

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          I do not own Teen Wolf.

      "Come with me." Cora said, grabbing me by my ear and dragging me down the hall.

  "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" I yelled because every time I said ow she pinched my ear tighter. "Can you at least tell me where we are going?" I asked her. She just glared at me. "Guess not." We walked over to Coach's office seeing Aiden walk out. "Of course." I muttered. Lydia opened the door and went to step out but Cora stood in front of her, still holding my ear.

   "You don't have a very good taste in guys, do you?" She asked Lydia, causing me to snort. Lydia rolled her eyes and tried to walk passed Cora but Cora blocked her.

   "Is there a problem?" Lydia asked as Cora let go of my ear. I walked over to stand next to Lydia, crossing my arms.

   "Yeah, Derek would like to kindly ask you to stop seeing Aiden, which means that if I catch you with him again, I'm not going to pull the fire alarm. I'm going to pull your tongue out of your head." Cora told her smirking.

   "Sweetheart, my last boyfriend was a homicidal lizard, so I think my sister can handle a werewolf. It must run in the family." I said, reaching passed her to grab the door knob but she stopped me by tightly grabbing my wrist. "Let go." I told her, trying to free myself from her grip. "I said-"

   "Let go. She said let go." Stiles said, coming up out of nowhere.

    "My knight in shining armor. How the hell did you get here?" I asked as he walked up behind Lydia and I when Cora let go of my wrist.

   "Magic. Let's go. Follow me." He said, placing his hand on my back as Lydia and Cora trailed behind us.

   "Where are we going? Oh god this isn't another "study group" is it?" I asked him.

  "No, you two," he said, gesturing to Lydia and I "are helping us find Deaton." He finished. We walked into the chemistry room, Stiles leading us to a random table. He pulled a ouija board. Seriously?

   "A ouija board?" Lydia asked, staring disbelievingly at Stiles.

   "Also called a spirit board. And it's worth a shot." Stiles stated, opening the box.

   "A shot in the dark." I told him causing Cora and him to glare at me and Lydia to high five me.

   "Would you two just try it? Please? Okay, let's not forget who this is for. Scott's boss," Stiles started, placing the planchette on the board upside down. I rolled my eyes and fixed it as he continued. "The guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion."

   "Oh wait, should we all do this?" Cora asked Stiles.

   "Yeah, yeah." He said as all four of us placed our hands on the planchette. "You guys ready?"

   "Yeah." Lydia and I said.

   "Yes." Cora sighed. God someone's not a happy camper.

   "Where is Dr. Deaton?" Stiles asked, him and Cora staring at Lydia and I.

   "What?" We asked in sync.

   "Aren't one of you gonna answer it?" He asked us as we stared wide eyed at both of them.

   "Oh, we don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit." I told him.

   "Do either of you know any spirits?" Cora asked us.

   "Is she for real?" I asked, pointing disbelievingly at Cora.

   "Oh my god." Stiles groaned, putting the ouija board away and pulling out a set of keys.

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