Dan Imagine: Number

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Authors note:
Hi guys!
I hope you are having a great summer as mines about to end and I'm having quite a crappy holiday so I decided to write some more! Enjoy this slightly darker Dan imagine!
Warning: Strong mention of rape and sexual assault
'Hey girl lemme get your number!' howled one of the teenagers as another gave you a whistle. It was late and you kind of regret not agreeing to Dan picking you up. 'I'm gonna be late anyway' you remember telling him before going out. 'Yes but I don't mind I can wait'
'No I'm fine walking'
'No, I said I'm fine walking'
You regretted every word you said,the party wasn't even that great now that you think about it. You'd had a couple drinks, nothing too major and mingled with some friends, most of them asked 'so where's Dan?' To which you'd answer 'oh, he's ill and really disappointed that he couldn't come' which you know was only half true. The ill bit was true. You knew how much Dan preferred staying in than going out to a big party. All these thoughts made you forget where you are. The whole street was plunged in darkness except for one flickering lamppost. How horror cliché, you thought. You searched for a sign that says the name of the street you're on... Chequers street, only 3 more streets and you're apartment is waiting. You'r thoughts are broken by a shout 'Hey girl I thought I told you to give me you're number!' You feel a tight grip around your arm wrist 'Get the fuck off me asshole' , you try to free your arm but the grip only got tighter. 'Oh, come oonn' he slurred, you could not only hear but smell now how drunk this man was. You started pulling and tugging, panic and fear taking over. 'Let go of me!' You scream, tears running down your cheek, your heart in your throat. 'Aw come on baby, just a quick one' the man slithers his hand under your shirt and grips your breast. 'You'll enjoy it' you struggle even more and scream for help but it looks like this part of town is empty. His other hand slowly cups your butt and starts fondling it. 'Please... Let go' you choke out, your face sodden in tears as the grip just gets tighter, you scream one more time ' DAAAN! HELP ME' knowing he won't hear you but it was just a cry to the sky. out of know here the man falls to the ground, slightly making you lose your balance. Through your tears you see the reason of his fall. There right in front of you is Dan, his eyes red, obviously from crying. You suddenly feel very light headed and just fall into his arms as he frantically whispers to you 'I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry Y/N... You're safe now' he rocks you backwards and forwards as your cry into his shoulder.
Never wanting to let go again.

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