Phan Imagine: Shattered glass #3

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'He's not going to be interested' you sighed to Phil as he gave you a comforting look. 'Y/N he has been complaining everyday and been so lonely'
'Well why hasn't he called, or visited? I only live down the road'
'Sure' you sigh. Phil let out a small sigh of defeat as he twisted the knob to his and Dan's apartment. 'Hey Dan!' Phil called out. You heard a small crash and padding down the hallway. 'Phi-!' He cut off when he saw you, meekishly standing behind Phil. Dan... His eyes were red, and puffy. Like really red, and bloodshot. A small stubble covered his jawline and he was still in his pyjamas. 'Maybe I should leave,' you turned to the door but Phil's hands quickly managed to stop you. 'Y/N you can't run from this forever, you need to talk to Dan'
'There's nothing to talk about' you snap
'But Y/-'
'Phil if she doesn't want to talk you can't make her' Dan's face had anger written all over it as he turned around and ran towards his bedroom, locking the door behind him. During that time Phil was distracted by Dan so you took the opportunity and darted through the door, onto the dark streets. Shiver. A shiver went down your spine as the cold air hit your bare skin, you didn't know that it was this cold. You didn't even care, how could he? He didn't even seem to care. Maybe he's over it. Maybe he's just sorry for your sorry ass. 'WELL GUESS WHAT DANIEL IM ONLY HUMAN' you yell out into the darkness. 'OI LADY SHUT UP' you hear a man shout. The frustration gets too much. You slide down the brick wall of the apartment block and the tears are unstoppable, you buried your head deep into your arms as you felt the world close in on you. You just wanted him to hold you close. To feel his arms you once more, to feel safe. You want him to say it's ok, that everything will be fine. It's something you need. Something you long for. You sob uncontrollably as you check the time; 9:53. You swear you were about to get up when your eyes started to become really heavy. You were about to drift off as you heard the apartment doors swing open. Looking up, your wishes had been answered. Dan's arms lock around you as he lifts you up, you cling to his shirt.
You felt safe.
You felt human.

So that's the end of this little series (: hope you guys enjoyed it. I sure did.

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