Phil imagine: Meeting him

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Authors note:
Hi guys!
Thank you for the views on my last imagine it means a lot :) Please enjoy this imagine of you meeting Phil for the first time.

*rat a tat tat*
The rain by now was seriously pissing you off. So was everyone around you. I mean you know that you are a waitress in a bloody coffee shop but even so people are extremely loud. *ding* the bell on the door rings as you divert your attention to the next customer you'll have to listen to. As your eyes switch to the figure by the door, your jaw almost drops to the ground. There , soaking to the skin was a (very) tall man maybe in his mid/late twenties with the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen. His hair was jet black and God- those eyes. They were a silvery bl- 'Um excuse me?'
Oh shit, have you been staring at him? You've totally been staring at him Y/N. 'I-I-I'm s-so sorry sir. M-may I take your order?' You manage to spit out. His giggle is so beautiful, 'I'll have a caramel mocha please and the blueberry muffin' he smiled. Oh my lord. His smile. It's unreal, don't swoon Y/N all you have to do is make him a drink and give him a muffin. But why was your heart beating out of your chest? Okay calm down Y/N. ITS COOL. 'That will be £5.50 sir' you smile *phew*- crisis averted. He hands you the money and as you feel his skin touch yours, the butterflies in your stomach come alive. He can see your emotions through your face as he giggles again and his cheeks go a hue of crimson.

'Here sir. Hope you enjoy' you smile as you place the drink and muffin on the table next to the mans laptop that he'd set up. 'Thanks.' He smiled and just as you were turning around to leave he grabbed your wrist and said 'hey maybe we can do this again. As in not you giving me food and drink but rather us, like rather me and you maybe someday could potentially go out for a coffee?' He manages to spit out. His awkwardness yet sweetness makes your heart flutter. You wink to him and say 'Sure. Anytime' you smile as you hand him a small piece of paper with your number on it. You turn around and leave and seconds later you receive a text saying:
Hi! How about tomorrow we can go for a Starbucks at around 2?
Sure sounds great, can't wait.

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