The ol' switcheroo

90 7 3

Light fluttered in through pastel curtains as a new day began.

A dainty yawn broke the silence in the room, besides the birds outside signalling how early it was.

Tan arms slide out from a lime green comforter, Legs following.

O-oh...Goodness. How late did I sleep?
I hope Neji-kun isn't angry..d-did I miss training?

Groggy, pale peridot eyes opened blinking slowly.
Slender fingers slid through short, choppy, rosy locks.

There was a pause.

...h-huh? Why hair feeling...shorter?
Hinata went into a panic as she jumped to her feet.

O-oh Kami...what's happeni-
"Sakura Haruno! You get up this instant and help me make breakfast!" A feminine voice said, with a tinge of anger.

Sakura-san? W-w-why is Sakura in m-m-my house?

Gently, pokadotted socks crept into a small, colorful bathroom.

I d-dont have pink...rugs in my bathroom....
Fingers skimmed along the wall and found the switch, and light flashed filling the space.

In the decent sized mirror stared a very confused and startled girl.

Wide and timid green eyes stared
Lightly tanned skin, short pink tresses, snoopy PJ's all reflected back at Hinata.

She waved a hand...and so did Sakura.

Gasping, she leaned aganist the counter.

N-no..way! Am..I Sakura-chan?
I couldn't b-be...but why d-do I l-look like her?

She continued to slid down the wall, until her bottom hit the floor.

W-what will I do?

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