Part 40

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Audra lost count of the number of times she checked the time on her wristband. Counting down the seconds until her forty-eight-hour stint in hell was over. She'd read two books and said exactly twelve words to Jay in that time, but now she had five minutes left and she'd be free. She drummed her fingers on the kitchen counter, counting down the seconds until she could leave Maxima and Jay.

The crack and fizz of a bottle opening startled her. "We made it. Want a beer to celebrate?" Jay grinned as he held out the drink.

Audra almost didn't take it, then changed her mind and snatched it out of his hand. Five minutes and he could die for all she cared. No, four minutes and thirty seconds.

"Upset that I didn't die on your watch?" he asked cheerfully, taking a deep draught of his own beer.

She shook her head.

"Right. Because you'd have had to clean up the mess."

She met his eyes. "I'm not the arsehole here. I care when people are hurt or if they die. I worried when you weren't back that first night, gave up my days off to be here for you when the resort couldn't spare anyone else, and I would've done my damnedest to save you if you'd collapsed. Even though you threatened me with sexual assault. I have it all recorded on this." She tapped her ID. "Every damn word."

Jay's hand closed over her wrist. "No you don't. I remember my briefing when the manager took me on a tour of the resort, because I was thinking of buying the place. Those things only record when you're close to a guest's ID." He held out his bare arms. "Mine must've gotten lost when I crashed my car, or they cut it off in hospital. So you can relax. No one'll ever know what you called me and I won't say anything, except to thank you for taking such good care of me. I owe you a thank you gift, too. I'll get one on my next trip into town. Want to drop any hints, like your bra size, maybe?"

Audra recoiled in horror. "Keep your gifts, arsehole. I'll stop by Reception and have them send you a new ID. I won't put any other staff in danger now I know what you are. A bullying, manipulative - "

"Hey! I only said I could have done it. Not that I would, or that I ever have. For the fucking record, I've never slept with a girl who wasn't willing. Enthusiastic, even. I don't get off on forcing women. If you say no when you really want to say yes, it's not my fucking fault. That's your choice."

Audra pressed her lips together. She wanted to spit some more insults at him, but grudgingly she admitted the truth. He hadn't threatened her - hadn't even touched her. And she didn't think he would, either.

"Tell me one thing, though," he continued. "Now you know your boss will never know your answer. If you wouldn't lose your job for it, and were free to do as you pleased, and I asked you to spend the night with me...dinner and drinks and the offer of mind-blowing sex if, and only if, you want it, any and every way you desire. Would you do it?"

"No," she spat. Her heart twisted uneasily at the blatant lie.

"Then I have nothing more to say, except thank you for your care and...your honesty."

Audra met his eyes, only centimetres from her own, and her resolve wavered.

Something warm touched her lips, tracing the top one and then the bottom. His thumb, she realised, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath to shout at him to take his hands off her.

"Aw, fuck it," she heard him say.

Warm breath wafting over her lips gave her a moment's warning that she didn't heed. His lips tickled hers as they brushed lightly over them. She inhaled sharply, tasting the sweetness of mango beer as he sealed her mouth with a kiss. Gentle at first, then more firmly as he drew in a breath. His tongue caressed hers, enticing her to taste and be tasted. And then they were entwined more closely than when they'd tangled on the bathroom floor two nights ago, but eagerly, willingly. Audra's hands ached to hold him, pull him closer, so she could take as much as she gave.

No. She'd end up giving more. Her job, her life, her dreams...for one night with this arsehole?

YES, her heart screamed.


Audra wrenched away from Jay.

"Stay for dinner. And a drink," Jay panted. Triumph flashed in his eyes. "I knew you liked me."

"I've been nothing but professional, Mr Felix," Audra said coldly, summoning every half-learned lesson from her high school acting classes to make her sound believable. "I've merely done my job and no thanks are necessary. I like you no more or less than any of my other guests. And now that I'm off duty, my time is my own and I won't be spending it with you."

Even as her heart screamed at her to take it all back and tell him the truth, Audra turned on her heel, grabbed her bag of belongings, and strode out of Maxima and Jay's life.

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