Part 60

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Rain pattered on the roof as the silence swelled between them.

"What do you mean, you know?" Audra asked finally.

"I've been with a lot of women. Your body tells me way more than your lips do." Jay's gaze travelled down. "I felt you lose control. Utterly lose it. That's when I knew I'd won the bet. It didn't matter what you said. Your body knew what you wanted, even if your head was a mess."

"I was in complete control of my actions!" Audra snapped.

"No, you fucking weren't. You took a blow to the head and a beating, remember? It didn't feel fair, taking advantage of you when you were confused. I figured you'd be back, and here you are!" He spread his arms wide. "I admit I was pissed off for a moment when I saw you'd taken the money, but I figured you needed it for something. It's true, isn't it?"

Audra bit her lip.

"Yeah, I'm a rock star now, but that place in Cottesloe...I shared that shithole with five other guys and their occasional girlfriends. The place was falling apart and the landlord wouldn't repair it, not for the dirt-cheap rent he charged us. Some days the water at the beach was warmer than what came out of the so-called hot water system. I slept on a mattress on the floor that was so stained it had probably come from a brothel. If it had, the brothel had thrown it out." His eyes bored into hers. "I remember weeks when all I could afford was a packet of instant noodles for dinner. First year uni. First and last year, too." He gazed down at the tiles. "I failed everything. All I wanted was to play and drink and smoke and shit. So they kicked me out of uni and I had to move back home, because I couldn't get welfare payments. Unemployment ones, instead of student ones. So many times I nearly sold my guitar. I was still living at home when Chaya got our first recording contract. Fuck, I would've done almost anything for a couple hundred bucks, let alone five grand."

"I won't," Audra bit out, holding out the envelope.

"Now, it doesn't matter to me. Five grand is nothing. I don't need it back, Audra. Keep it. It's a gift, like the camera."

She wanted to stamp her foot and scream at him for not listening. "I can't. I'm not a prostitute, Jay." She threw the money at his feet.

"No, you've told me that. A few times now. Fair enough." He stooped to pick up the envelope and dropped it on the hall table. "Right, so are we done with all the talking? I won a bet and I want to claim my winnings."

Audra felt more confused than ever. "What winnings?"

Jay pointed at her chest. "Fuck, you're torturing me. Those perfect tits. The ones your soaked shirt is sticking to. And those nipples. Quit teasing me and take your shirt off."

Her head hurt. None of this made sense. "I came here to apologise and beg you to forgive me, and you're talking about my breasts. Why aren't you mad at me?"

Jay sighed and reached down to adjust himself. "Because I knew you wanted me and I was just waiting for you to come back. Everyone wants me." He flashed the same grin he had for the photograph. The one that didn't reach his eyes.

Realisation dawned. "You're joking. That's a joke. I don't know how many times I've heard you say it, but I just got it. You say it to bait people for a reaction, but then the joke's on them. Because everyone wants Jay Felix, the rock star. Not the man who only plays the part. Hence, the Shakespeare on the ceiling."

Jay's grin finally vanished and he held out his arm.

Audra followed his gaze to the tattooed words she'd noticed but never read. Now, she did: "All the world's a stage."

He pointed at her camera. "That's a gift for the girl who wouldn't let me die. I left a pub full of girls who thought they owned the rock star. I came back here for a girl who'd seen me at my worst and stayed to listen to the man in a moment of doubt. Audra, not Audrey. In As You Like It, Audrey married a fool. But Jacques stayed alone. He's the one who said we're all players. I don't want to be a fool or alone. I want you."

Audra sucked in a breath, not sure what to think any more. "Jay, don't you think -"

"Don't think," he replied. "We had a bet. That I'd give you the best orgasm of your life, you'd beg for more, and I'd give it to you after you got your tits out." He groaned. "Fuck, that wet t-shirt. Quit torturing me. Did I give you the best time of your life?"

Audra closed her eyes, remembering the heat of his fingers inside her as his tongue sent her soaring to undreamed-of heights. No one else had ever come close. She swallowed and nodded.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes," came the barely audible whisper.

"Then I've had enough of this fucking shirt." Cheap cotton ripped as Jay yanked hard at her top. Now the front hung free, dangling from one sleeve as it exposed most of her bra. "Fuck."

With trembling hands, Audra took off what remained of her t-shirt. She should have been shocked or annoyed at the destruction, but she didn't care. All that mattered was Jay. She reached to unhook her bra, but Jay's hands were already there, expertly freeing her faster than she could release herself. Wet lace fell away, replaced by his warm hands as he cupped her breasts.

"Oh, yesss..." The blissful look on his face made her smile. His eyes snapped open and he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. He snaked his arms around her, holding her tight to his bare chest. Her nipples tightened in response and she gasped. Jay kissed her open mouth.

The moment his tongue touched hers it was as if lightning had struck her, coursing down her spine to her core. Oh, but lightning only started in the sky. The blinding white light came from below.

Well, she was named after a storm for a reason.

Audra shimmied out of her shorts, leaving them with her underwear in a puddle on the floor. Now she was standing naked in Jay's arms. Talk about crazy.

Their lips parted for a moment as Jay paused to grab a breath.

Don't think. About tomorrow or next week or anything but this moment. Even the weather could wait.

She reached up to stroke the stubble on his jaw. This time she kissed him, focussing all her passion into the pressure of her lips and the twine of her tongue around his. His hands crept down her back to cup her arse.

He swept her up in his arms, carrying her through to...the bedroom? No, the bathroom. He dumped her unceremoniously into the spa and tossed her the plug as he turned on the taps. "Can you sort the temperature while I get these off?" He struggled with his shorts, which seemed to be stuck on his...

Audra tried to smother her laughter as she turned her attention to the taps. The water was comfortably hot when she heard Jay climb into the tub behind her, but an attack of nerves seemed to have frozen her. She squeaked when Jay's arms encircled her, pulling her into his lap.

"Do you trust me, Audra?" The seductive purr was sexier when his breath tickled the back of her neck. She could feel her insides melting. "Trust me to give you the best night of your life?"

His thumb circled her nipple, then trailed down her belly and slipped between her thighs, circling again. He brought her expertly to the edge of a storm front, as if he knew one more well-placed circle would unleash the storm's screaming fury. "Do you want it?"

"Yes," she gasped, feeling him press harder. "I want you, Jay. All...night...JAY!" Her words ended in a scream to the skies as she soared up past the clouds to the stars above.

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