"Late again Ms. Y/L/N."

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You walk into the door of Mr. Martinez's math class. In the middle of the lesson, you sneak in thinking he won't see you, and then he stops to say, "Late again Ms. Y/L/N." You sigh and say, "I know I'm sorry it's just my alarm went off late, and then I had to hurry to get..." He cuts you off by saying, "It's your third tardy, you get a lunch detention." You roll your eyes and your cheeks go red in embarrassment. You look down and open your notebook and start writing down notes from the board. It feels like an eternity before the class ends, but it finally does. You then make your way to English, Art, Science and then the next period is lunch, and you have to spend that in detention. If you're gonna be there, you know Alex will too. That makes you a bit more okay with the fact you have to sit in an empty classroom for 35 minutes. You're just glad it's lunch detention, and not after school detention. You make your way to room 410, the empty room that is used for detention. You get into the classroom, take a seat and look around. You see Alex, a girl and one other person. Luke. "Why is he here?" You think to yourself. Luke is more of a nerdy, weird outsider who gets straight A's and never gets into trouble. You start thinking and realize you made him late. You feel bad and guilty. After a while you start messing with Alex as the teacher turns around, making weird funny faces, and silently dying from laughter. You glance over at Luke, and he catches you. "Ooh, someone's got a crush." Alex says. "Shut up Alex I do not." You say back.

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