"Just Us"

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   You're back at home. You go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Hey mom! How was work today? I hope it was good!" You ask your mother while having a huge smile from ear to ear on your face. Your mother looks at you puzzled, "Y/N, are you alright? You seem happier than usual.." You reply with "Of course I'm alright, I'm better than alright. Today was amazing!....Luke and I...well...w-we're dating.." Your mother slowly breaks out into a huge grin and hugs you tightly. "AWWW SWEETHEART!" She says excitedly. "You should invite him over for dinner, I'd love to meet the boy you always talk about." You sigh, "But I don't know mom, he's really shy and we just started dating, it might be awkw-" Your mom interrupts you."Aw c'mon honey, please?" "Fine.." You say as you walk away to your room to go text Luke. You get your phone and take it off the charger. You text him. "Hey Luke, my mom and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. She wants to meet you. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to..." You wait a few minutes and his name pops up on your screen. "No it's fine, I'd love to meet the person who gave birth to my amazing girlfriend xD" you think to yourself, "Wow, typical cheesy Luke. You reply with, "xD Alright, be here at 5:00 you weirdo." You smile and start to get ready for him to arrive. You're wearing your black skirt with a Sleeping with Sirens band tee, and you decided to go an extra mile and curl your hair. "Good enough.." You say as you look in the mirror.

   As you're setting the table, you hear the doorbell ring. "I've got it." You say as you hurriedly walk to the door. You inhale and exhale, preparing for what's to come. You open the door, only to be taken back by how amazing Luke looks. He's wearing black skinny jeans, as always and a super nice shirt, with his hair done perfectly. "Wow." You both say, checking each other out. "You look..amazing." He says. "Not too bad looking yourself, Hemmings." "Here follow me." You both go to the dining room, and your mother turns around. "You must be Luke!" She says as she goes in to hug Luke. "Y/N's told me a lot about you." You blush and awkwardly giggle and say, "Um, so uh shall we eat...?" You all sit down. Your mother says, "Y/N's brother and dad are out, they'd be glad to meet you though." You all finish up dinner while talking about Luke and helping your mother get to know him. You help your mother clean up. "I'll be back," your mother says, "I'm going to get another dish rag from the closet. Your mother goes into the other room, leaving you and Luke alone. "Thank you, Y/N, tonight was very nice." He says before giving you a light kiss. "Thank you for being my amazing boyfriend." You two smile as he takes your hands in his. "I can't wait to live through all of what's to come with you, Y/N. The memories, the arguments, anything and everything. You, me, together." You smile. "Just us."

*******IM SORRY IF THIS SUCKS AND I KNOW IT WAS SHORT. Please don't be mad at me it was my first fanfic. Please read some of my other books, I'm working on a new one atm, it'll be interesting! Thank you all so so so much for reading, it makes me so happy (:**********

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