Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


"Jesus Lucy! When I said that if you weren't hurt or dying I didn't mean go and do it." Sydney accused, tears still streaming down her face.

I gave her a smile, "Sorry Syd. You know how literal I like to be."

"Just don't scare me again. Okay?"

"No promises." I groaned as my head throbbed. "I don't feel so good."

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Harry asked his eyes raking over me.

I shook my head quickly and groaned again, "Ow, no. My parents would force me to come home. We're not even half way there yet."

My stomach clench painfully and I knew then that I was going to be sick. "I need..." I began, Alex quickly pulled off the road and I struggled to get to the door. I made it to the grass just in time to spill my guts into it.

"Here." Alex handed me a napkin and I whipped my face as I sat in the tall grass. "You going to be okay, Luc?"

I grinned and held my head for a moment before I answered, "Yeah. Yeah, I should be fine."

Alex offered his hand to help me to my feet and I gladly slipped my hand into his. I felt my skin burn in delight and I absolutely loved it.

Once I was in the van and settled Alex merged back onto the road as we continued on our way. Everyone was careful with me, making sure I had everything I needed/wanted, which was very nice.

"Dinner time!" Justin kept chanting as it neared 6. I groaned internally, I don't know how much more I could take. He's been saying it every five minutes for the past hour and a half but for the past five it's been repeated again and again.

"Jesus." Alex grumbled pulling into the first restaurant he could find. "We're here, now shut up."

Justin let out a chuckle and I had to crack a smile. Even though he annoyed the hell out of me and I didn't exactly feel the best, he was just lightening the tension and for that I was thankful for.

We all made our way inside while I leaned on Syd as she supported me while I walked. "You okay?" She asked once we sat at the table.

I gave the group a smile and nodded. "I'm going to be fine."

"Going to be?" Harry gave a questioning look.

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

They all nodded in understanding and we fell silent. I meet eyes with Alex for a brief second before I blushed and hid my face in the menu. My feelings that I tried so hard to repress seem to be bubbling over at the moment. I mean, he just seemed so concerned and that was a side of him I've never seen.

After we had eaten, I was feeling extremely exhausted. "Come on girl." Sydney laughed, slipping her arm around my waist for support as she led me out.

"You okay Luc?" Justin ask, holding the door open for me.

I gave him a smile but kept my head still, nodding would have sent me into a dizzy spell.

My eyes kept fluttering shut when we were back on the road and with a sigh I leaned against the car window, giving into a dreamless slumber.

Hours later I woke to swaying, "I got her." Alex's voice was quiet, "get the door." His grip under my knees tightened as he shuffled his way inside. I peeked through my lashes up at him. His jaw was defined and his eyes looked straight, determination on his face. My eyes flickered to his lips and I felt myself smile. I quickly closed my eyes and snuggled closer to his chest, which is where I drifted off again.

I was burning, or at least I felt like I was. Opening my eyes, I kicked the blanket off me and groaned. I was still in my clothes from the day before, I hated sleeping in jeans. No wonder I feel so uncomfortable. I twisted on the bed with a sigh and froze. In bed next to me was Alex, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Can I leave now?" He whispered.

Confused I looked at my hands that were fisting his shirt. I quickly released him and blushed. "Sorry. I-I didn't know."

He smirked, "Yeah, I kinda figured." He let out a sigh, a smile, or for Alex what was considered a smile, place on his lips. "Your self conscious must like me."

I snorted but my blushed deepened in color, I was glad he wasn't looking at me anymore. "Yeah, right." I muttered sarcastically.

He let out a chuckle, folding his hands behind his head. He was different right now and I...I think I liked it. Wait. No.

I needed to talk to Andy.

I sat up in the bed, feeling my pockets for my phone. Once I had it in my hand I went into the bathroom. Dialing the familiar number I waited for him to pick up.

"Hey." His voice was deep and husky. "What's up babe?"

Guilt instantly consumed me. I'd been looking at Alex this entire ride when I had a perfect, honest and reliable boyfriend at home. "Hey, sorry it's so late." I laughed nervously. "I just really missed you."

"It's okay babe, no worries. I was just hanging out with some friends."

"Cool, so you're hanging out with your friends? Finn, Colin and Eric?" I guessed.

"Yeah, look I miss you a lot but we're in the middle of an intense poker game right now. Can I call you back tomorrow?" Andy asked his voice distracted.

"Yeah, sure." I bit my lip, "I love you Andy."

"Right back at you babe." He laughed and hung up.

Poker nights with the boys was intense with Andy, he had them almost every night and hated when anyone interrupted them. I sighed, he'd call tomorrow. We'd talk then.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and groaned. A black and blue strip was on the right side of my forehead. My fingers lightly traced the wound and I winced when I put too much pressure on it.

Putting my hair up I washed my face, avoiding the bruise, and brushed my teeth. Feeling slightly better about myself I made my way back it the room. I noticed that Sydney was asleep on the other bed and the adjoining room door was open so I'm guessing Harry and Justin were in there.

Alex was still in the same position as when I left him and I grinned, flopping down next to him. He glared over at me, "Do you mind?"

Lifting my hand up to my chin, I pretended that I was thinking about it. "I don't think I do, actually."

Letting out a sigh he rolled over so his back was to me. I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to sigh again. "Just cause I can't see it doesn't mean I can't feel it."

"That's nasty." I laughed.

"Well the world isn't rainbows and butterflies, Jacobs." He spoke, calling me by my last name.

"I never said it was, Kidd." I retorted.

He huffed and flipped over so he was facing me. "You're the perverted one who took it the wrong way. I was speaking of the tongue action that you didn't think I could feel, but babe I could." He smirked with a wink.

Blushing I smiled. "Goodnight Kidd." I giggled, closing my eyes.

"Back at you Jacobs."

Must be a Kidd thing. I thought as I tried to sleep.

Yeah, I know. It wasn't that good, nor was anything exciting and I debated whether or not to post this but I decided to just roll with it. Haha. :)



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