Hunted memories

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(( HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE!! I have finally though of how to continue this damn story ! And again I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to make this better ! ))

Once we had reached him Kiba didn't want to let go of my hand , and to be fully honest I didn't want him to let go.

" Kiba..."

I looked up at him with low sleepy eyes , he looked at me and smiled , with out warning he scooped me up in to his arms and carried me to the bed and playfully tossed me on . Of course I shrieked and my eyes widen but he just laughed and climbed up next to me

" Your so cute when you scream "

I don't know why but my face burnt red hearing him say that . Usually it wouldn't bother me at all but this time was different. I held on to his arm and looked him in the eyes

" can...can I ask you something...?"

He smiled his welcoming smile and kissed my forehead," of course you can "


"Why what?"

"Why did you patch me up instead of leaving me to die..."

" ... Because it wasn't right to leave you for dead... I mean sure I don't even know why you where on the ground bleeding and hurt but it must of been a stupid reason I mean your sweet and kind... And I didn't want you dying alone... Because if I brought you with me and you died... At least you would be with someone who cares.."

He gripped my hand tighter while looking down and pressing his lips together, I felt my heart began to pound hard , like I've been running for days.
I tilted his head up and pressed my lips in to his roughly , his eyes widen largely but just as fast I felt his arms wrap tightly around my waist and pull me to him . He was warm , like always . I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck, I have never felt so safe . And not because of the kissing but because he is the first person who hasn't called me scum or a worthless nothing . And I've never felt this way before but I think I might be in love with him . His touch make me feel warm , his words make me feel safe , he just makes my happy .. And I think... I think I'm in love with him , I have never felt this way before and I love it! I love the feeling..!! But... How do I tell him..? I guess that this shows he feels the same but I'm not even sure , oh well I mean there's no harm in this .. I'll just keep it to my self that I love him and maybe if I'm lucky he will tell me he loves me too.
Soon our kissing ended and I fell asleep in his arms , he was still awake. I could feel his eyes on me and it was clear he just wanted to make sure I was safe , my heart was still pounding but not as hard but I didn't mind it I feel happy and safe and if I where to die right know I'd be fine with it .

<<Next morning >>

When I woke up he wasn't in the room , yawning I sat up and walked to the kitchen to fine a note

" hey I'm going to be out for a while .. Stay safe okay? I'll be back around midnight if I'm lucky ."

I sat the note down with a saddened look on my face and sighed .

" Tea.. That's what I need "

I looked threw the cabinets and found green tea , after a short time the tea was finished . The house smelled amazing and warm , I got a cup and filled it with tea and curled up on the couch and spaced out for a bit .


I had fallen sleep on the couch waiting for Kiba to return , I woke up to a loud crack that caused me to jolt awake .


I rubbed my sleepy eyes only to see someone who was not him. No this person was from the old town , I remember they making on there jacket .

" so this is where you've been hiding huh. Did you miss me?"

I looked at him and tilted my head to the side .

" who... Who are you!?"

Quickly I jumped up front he couch and picked up a knife that was on the small coffee table in front of me . I was scared , I didn't know who this person was though they claimed to know who I was .. Could it be a cop..?

" what you don't remember who I am? For god sake you killed me ! Or have you blocked that out of your strides bitch mind."

My eyes widened and I stepped back almost falling over the table .

" A-Alex...."

He smirked and took a step closer .

" how nice of you to remember. bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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