The begining

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The day started out warmly and kind , not a cloud in the sky nor a drop of rain, it was bright and sunny. I looked down from the tree I was sitting in to see a young man who had a little food cart with a sine on the front.
Water: 75¢
Ice cream: 1$
Hot dogs: 2$
Candy: 5¢
And my favorite the seven layer bar 10$
I found it odd on how it cosset so much for just a wonderful treat like.
" Hello madam , is there anything I can get you on the lovely day?" He said , as a blond haired woman looked at all the things on the cart, I began to grow impatient and hungry, it didn't seem like he could see me..." Maybe.. I'll just take a few things." I slowly slid down from the tree and crawled over to the stand . He was still talking with the women when I was slowly reaching for his keys to the door of the cart. As soon as I grabbed them I opened the door quickly and grabbed what I could , even the seven layer bars .
" hu!? Eh!? THIEF! THIEF!!" The guy yelled as I stood and ran " THIEF!"He kept yelling the words over and over again , I didn't mind I was a thief but if I wasn't Id be dead.
By night fall I had made it back to my little hut in a ail way that no one ever went down , it was dark and smelled like sour cream, but it was home and a safe place for me . I sat down and ate the food I had stolen, but I set aside the layer bar," I'll save this for when I really need it." Soon after that I had curled up in the old rags and clothing , blankets and towels I used for a bed it was warm and felt better then sleeping in soft grass in a sunny day .

" HEY GET OFF YOUR ASS!" I felt a hard kick in to my ribs , my eyes widened and I gasped for air , anything kick hit me in the gut . " I SAID GET OFF YOUR ASS!" I looked to see who was yelling, it was Alex, the leader of a gang that roamed around looking for trouble " what do you want ass face!" I yelled, catching my breath trying to breath " it's time for you be my bitch." He said with a smirk, I stood up quickly looking for a place to run .
"Be your bitch!?" I yelled , " you must be high!!" Pissed off and annoyed that I was woken up from my rest so rudely and painfully. " You owe me remember!!" Alex yelled, grabbing my neck and pulled me to him " I saved your ass more then once and now it's time for you to pay up!" I struggled and growled as he tightened his grip around my neck and grinned. "Let me GO!!" Right then I felt odd my teeth had become sharp and dug in to my lips my finger nails became sharp claws , Alex's eyes widened a bit . I raised my hand and slashed him across the face  , it was  so deep you could see the bones in his face , blood rushes down his face as the quietness turned in to screams of pain .
He dropped me and held his bleeding face still screaming, at that moment I ran and didn't look back , not even once . I knew if I even looked back for a second Id get a felling to go back so I only looked forward and ran faster.
It was still dark when I ran out of breath and collapsed in grass near a lake. I took a short rest then looked around , the lakes water was shimmering from the full moon , the grass was a dark green but it was beautiful and last there was a large tree it looked old but still strong , I decided it would be a good place to sleep for the night. I climbed the tree then felt around my pockets to make sure my treasures where still with me. Lucky they where.
A teddy bear that Iv had sense I was little.
A small book on monsters.
The seven layer bars that are to valuable to lose.
And a moon stone that was given to me by my first friend before he died. A small grumble came from my stomach, with that I broke off a pice of the seven layer bar and set it on my tongue and let the flavor of it spread slowly threw out my body . I curled up and closed my eyes , the moon light shined down threw the leaves and in to me it was relaxing and comforting I don't know why but it was just so pice full , even with the stench of blood on my hands , the blood had a sour  and rotten smell that burned my nose and made my eyes water but as for now I couldn't even tell one bit . I soon drifted off in to sleep as the moon kept me company and sweetness of the treat danced warmly threw my body.

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