The begining 2.

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A cold wind woke me up, the sun was blocked by dark clouds that made it almost as dark as nightfall with out a sunset ." Maybe... I should go and see if I can get home yet.." I climbed down the tree and stepped in the nice cool grass , the wind was blowing as I walked back to the town .
When I finally got to town I decided to first go to my little home in the ally way , but I didn't expect to see the terror of blood and ripped body parts all over the place the ground and on the walls ...I immediately knew who the person that had gone threw the pain of being ripped apart, was Alex, as much as I hated the guy id never what this to happen to him . I looked at the trail of blood that led down the ally way , I saw blood drip on the ground. It was coming from my hands they where covered in the blood, "w-what have I done.." I said, backing away slowly in shock and disbelief that I had done such a thing.
The one time for some one to walk past the alley had to be today. The look on the persons face who had looked down at the sent of sourness " I-it's not what you think!! " I yelled, scared out of my mind , the person didn't believe me and screamed and yelled for the cops .
" POLICE! POLICE! THE DELINQUENT KILLED SOME ONE!" The person yelled, louder and louder as the cops ran over to see what the commotion is all about, the looks of shock on their faces , no not shock more like discussed and fear, "I didn't do it ! I swear to god I didn't!" I said, in a panic I was looking around trying not to make eye contact. It was obvious he didn't believe me because he could see the blood on my hands drip to the concrete " for years we tried to be kind to you... and you repay us by killing one of our own ... WE EVEN BEMT THE RULS SO YOU DIDENT GET SENT TO PRISON AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY US!!!!" He yelled , looking at the blood and guts all over the ground, spread across the ally and smeared everywhere with in eye sight. I got scared and didn't know what else to do ... so I used the set of sharp claws I had all of a sudden gotten last night and walked over to the cop and the person who had yelled , tears in my eye I walked closer and extended my arm out as if about to strike . " Im sorry.....I'm so sorry .. " the cop retched to grab his gun but I slashed open his neck before he had the chance to shoot ,he fell to the ground bleeding and holding his neck , I looked at the person while I was crying and did the same thing to the person as I did to the cop after they had attempted to run away and scream more , and to end their pain faster I crushed their skulls in, my stomach was uneasy and I threw up but walked away from the ally as fast as possible. But before I got to fare a small group of cops cornered me , and arrested on the charge of murder.
I sat quietly in the jail cell with out a word , I kept my head down keeping quiet so I didn't draw any attention to myself , that's the last thing I needed at this moment.
" Hey pretty lady, wanna join my cell. heh we could have a lot of fun " I ignored it , nothing could possibly be worse than having cat calls from a prisoner .
A few hours later a guard Wales in to the cell room and went up to me.
" Get up its time to see your fate" I stood up not talking or making a sound. We walked down a long hallway , people looked at me with disgust I looked down at the floor so I didn't have to see there faces. We stopped in front of a large door , hand cuffs where placed on my wrists , tape was wrapped around my claws and a muzzle on my face in case I tried to bite any one .
" All rise for the honorable judge Smith!" Everyone in the room stood up as a tall middle aged man who had gray hair and a bald spot on the top of his head , he had wrinkles and circles around his eyes . He looked at me whit unkind eyes and glared at me as if trying to judge me before knowing the reason for being there. once he got to his place in the room every one sat back down and I was walked to the front of the room , people looked at me and gasped as they had never seen someone so chained up . " why that girl is just a baby." I herd one woman say quietly to a man sitting next to her " she killed the leader of the worst gang here!" He whispered back to her, the lady's eyes widened along with a small gasp of shock . I looked to the floor wishing this was just a dream but sadly I knew it was reality .

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