The new life styl

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It felt as if time had slowed down they brought out the discarded body parts and pointed out how my claws and teeth could easily rip someone apart.
Then finally the discussion was made , the room was quite and everyone waited to hear what the choice was ,Even though it was made up it sure did take a long time for them to come out just to announce what was going to happen to me. The judge walked out and up to his seat then looked down at me and rubbed the bridge of his nose .
" We have decided to put her to death for the crime of murder ." Only a few people looked surprised others didn't care and a few people where still trying to think if it was a good idea or not. "Death!?" I yelled , loudly as my eyes filled with tears I tried back away but the guards held my arms tightly "Please ! Please don't put me to death!!" I cried ,begging and pleading for my life to be spared but no one els had stood up for me , they started dragging me to the back room as I struggled , the closer I got to the room the more I how scared and just before the door open my chains broke , they tried to grab me and throw me in the room but I moved to fast and went from one side of the large room to another , a guard pulled out a gun and took aim at me I was running out of places to run so I jumped threw the window that lead out side, from there I ran down the street as fast as possible while I could hear cops and guard rush to try and catch me. gun shots ,sirens , police dogs , more guns . I tried my best to doge the bullets but got them shooting threw me a few times , I have never been in so much pain in my life , finally I fell on the ground bleeding and in pain , a cop stood over " you scum , all we ever did was bend the rules do you could live. AND KILLING ONE IF OUR OWN!!" Tears filled my eyes but I made no sound , another bullet when in my hip making me cough blood as tears rolled down my face . " I-im sorry.... " I said weakly, as he stared at me " I'll just let you lie there and rot away ." With that he turned and left with the other cops , my blood was draining in to the cold ground and my eyes struggled to stay open .
I don't know how long I was there for , I only remember a few animals run past me and a few people looked at me . This is it I'm going to die and no one will care , Iv made mistakes and I have regrets, I don't remember killing Alex or how I could get from miles away from town and back in one night or less .
Every thing slowly started to get darker , ether that or I was starting to black out...

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