events and tales of a sad story

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              My name is Sam and i am like any normal teenage girls with a best friend and parent that are annoying and have and enemy that is super hot. I even have the benefits of having such understanding parent that find it important to be in the same school with no other then my enemy Lucas. Not only did i go to the same school with him my parents make me share a room with him when ever he comes over to stay at our house. Why you ask cause my parent think that one day we will end up together. Eww i know that's how i feel too. I hate to have to break it to my parent that what ever they had hoped to happen was never in a million years going to happen. Oh and on top of all that he is in all of my classes except for art and that was only because when it comes to art with him his is incapable of creating a artful master piece. He didn't have the skill that i had to create beautiful art . So here i was siting in one of the many classes we share together. I sat there vaguely aware miss Hanna talk about our homework assignment for this weekend. I was too busy look at Lucas.  I know i shouldn't look at him but my eyes betrayed me and i stared at him. He was beautiful with his tan skin and perfectly sculpted body that i just wanted to-

"Sam are you there?" I jumped at the sound of Lisa voice. i looked at her to see her my best friend wave her hand in my face trying to get my attention.

"what" i asked her a little annoyed that she had caught me staring at Lucas.

"Don't what me i see you looking at Mr.perfect over there." she half smiled at me while giving me goo goo eyes.

"No" i lied how can i not look at him he was gorgeous and has been my my number one enemy for the last 17 years of my life. His parents have been best friend with my parents since high school. he has always tortured me, from every holiday to every non important day on my life. But that didn't stop me from not noticing his good looks. Even though i hated him with every small cell in my body.

"Sam when are you going to admit it to yourself that you have a in for this guy"

"I wont admit such lie not even when i am six feet under." forget it i thought to myself no way was i going to think about the disasters of me being with Lucas. Just thinking about it made me want to throw up. "yuck" i said out loud while i pretended to gag myself.

"Whatever your just to scared to admit anything."

"Am not i just don't go along with what ever things you assume i am feeling."

"what ever the bells about to ring do you want to ditch and go to Mary's and get some pizza?" I looked at Lisa like she was from a different planet.

"Really your going to ask me if i want pizza?  after all we have been through." i said trying to sound serious.

"well my bad for trying to be polite and ask like a nice friend." she said as she gave her signature look that screamed retard. I loved Lisa we have been best friend since the day i decided she was the only girl that was cool enough to hang out with me when she didn't scream when i held out a snake for her to hold. She gladly too the snake from me and form that day on we have been BFF's

"Hahahahaha your funny." i looked at her and hit her fourhead.

" Ow that wasn't very nice don't hit me" She yelled at me while swinging her arm to hit me in the shoulder.

" You bitch you missed that was my boob." i said with my eyes looking sad "their sensitive"

" Well then next time don't hit me"  i could help my self for how i was about to react. something about her talking to me right now screamed mock me so i did

" meem mem emememememem."

"hahahah no" she said with a look i think that was suppose to be serious but only made her look constipated

" You look stupid FYI when you make that face"

"you loo-" she was cut of by the bell. As the bell rang we both dumped or stuff in our lockers and started heading out to my car. forgetting about out little argument. we were about to walk out the door when we were stopped my a giant.

" Were do you think your going AM?" i knew that voice and i instantly became annoyed. I turned around to look into the most piercing eyes i have ever seen.

Hey everyone this is like my first story that i actually am going to keep writing on!!!! yeeee.......... but please leave me comments about how i am doing i would love to hear feedback about my writing and hear if you like it if you don't please don't be mean <3 Yeeeeee i am happy you read my story anyways i will upload tomorrow ...........=]

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