Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

You had been homeless for the past seven days.

You were really hungry!

You managed to get a meal at your friends house 2 days ago.

By this time you realized you needed a plan!

You were walking down Marks St when a familiar body walks into you.

"Bella?" What are you doing here?" He said.

" oh Zayn, nothing just going for a walk. you said kind of shaky.

Zayn was your best friend who you secretly had a crush on. You hadn't seen him in awhile.

"Really? You don't look so good Bella. Are you okay?" He asked.

No not really. you told Zayn all nervous like. "Well what's wrong? He asked.

Ok. I'll tell you! But can we go to your house and talk? You asked.

"Of course!" Zayn said

-------------------------------- End of chapter

Please vote it would mean the world to me! Love you! -Marissa

Falling Back With Love (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now