Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 }{

     Allie's POV

  You're going down Horan! I yelled at Niall while staring intently at the TV screen.

     Niall and I were playing 'Mario Cart'. No one plays this game anymore, but I miss it. Of course I was winning there is no way I'm losing.

 I'm about to cross the finish line, when Niall comes up from behind me and crosses the finish line right before I do. I sit there and pout.

  Aw, come on babe. It's just a game. Niall says while leaning in front of me sitting on the sofa.

I-I just wanted to win. I say holding back tears.

It was very close. Niall says sitting next to me, grabbing me and pulling me into his body for a hug.

I know. I said now crying.

Niall leans in kissing my lips softly.  As soon as he backs away I yell "Ha".

 Niall jumps back. "What was that for?"  Niall asked looking at me confused.

"I wasn't upset." I said looking.

"Yeah okay." Niall says pooling me in for another hug.  Just then the doorbell rings. I walk up to the door.

"Hello?" I say while opening the door.

"Hi Allie!" Bella said walking while walking into my flat.

"Hey!" Zayn said following Allie.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked Zayn and Allie.

"You texted and said you were here with Niall." Bella said as if it was obvious.

"We brought 'Mad Gab'!" Zayn said shaking the box in front of my face.

"Well then lets play!" I said walking into the living room.

      I was pretty good at this game because I talk really fast.


"Team Niall and Allie win!" Zayn shouts.

"Yes!" Niall and I say together. We both hug.


" I had a really fun night!" Niall says walking out the door.  I kiss his lips quick.

"Me too" I say with a smile peaking through my lips.

"Bye." Niall says to me.

"Goodnight." I say closing the door.

"Allie, can I sleep over?"  Bella ask begging.

"Ehh, I don't know." I said to Bella teasing her.

"Oh, come on! You can't say no to your best friend!" Bella says.

"Okay!" I  say giving in to Bella.

"Goodnight Bella." Zayn said to Bella leaning in to give her a kiss.

"Night babe." Bella said to back to him.  I close the door behind Zayn.

" So, how's Niall?" Bella asked with a curious look on her face.

"Oh, just fine... Okay, he's better than fine he's amazing. He's so cute!" I said to Bella smiling the whole time.

"So, he asked you out?" I nodded. jumping up and down.

"I owe it all to you and Zayn for letting me meet him." I said.

"Awe, you're welcome."

  Bella's Pov

  I am so happy for Allie and Niall! When Zayn told me that he made Niall come to meet her I thought it wasn't going to work out. I'm really glad I was wrong. They are so cute together.

  I wonder If Zayn and I are as cute as them? Probably not, but it is was it is. I love him and that's all that matters.

"I want cupcakes." Allie said turning on the living room light, where we were "Sleeping". 

I love how Allie will come out with the most random things.

"Let's go make some!" I shouted at Allie, jumping up off the floor. I ran into the kitchen and waited for Allie.

"I don't know how to make them!" Allie told me.

"Google knows all!" I told Allie pointing my finger at her. She grabbed her laptop and found a recipe.

    I mixed together the flower, baking soda, salt and sugar.

"Now Allie you add the egg and water." I told Allie. She did as I told.  We put the cupcakes in the oven and set the timer.  We both walked back into the living room I sat down and turned on the TV.  The news was on.

Breaking news!

For anyone living on James ST or in a ten mile radius.

Burglars have been robing house's tonight.

So far five houses have been robbed.

You are advised to stay inside and keep your doors and windows locked.

We do not yet know if the men or women are dangerous.

"You're kidding me! We're on James street." Allie said looking at me.

"Well guess who's not sleeping tonight." I say scared. Just then I hear a tapping of glass.

"Allie?" I said.

"W-what?" She asked.

"You locked the windows right?" I asked with concern in my voice. She shook her head back and forth indicating that she didn't.

  I walked into the kitchen with Allie. I grabbed a rolling pin. Allie grabbed a frying pan. We both walked up the stairs. I heard the sound of a window opening, now and footsteps as I walked up the steps.  I walk into Allies  bedroom, holding the rolling pin above my head ready to hit someone.

   I don't turn on the lights so the people breaking in don't react. I walk more into the room with Allie behind me. Now I can see shadows by the window.  I can't make out their faces. I walk quietly up to one of them, Allie does the same. I shout "Go!" and we both try to hit the people by the window but they grab us.

   I can smell the sent of the person holding me.  The sent smells familiar. It's obviously a man because no women is this strong. The man has his hand over my mouth so I cant scream. His other arm is around my waist so I can't get away.

He whispers in my ear. " We're hear for you."  I automatically tense up. I let out a small whimper afraid of what their going to do to me. I can hear Allie crying. I want to go over and comfort her and tell her it's all going to be okay, but I know it's not.


I seriously think this is the best chapter in this book!

Who do you think it is?

Are they going to hurt them?

Please wait for the next chapter!


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