Million Dollar Man

25.5K 234 49

Author's name: something_hopeless

Status: Complete

Rating: 10

Opinion : Okay, I love this book so fucking much. I remember when this book was being updated like once a week. I waited on updates constantly like a starved dog. I love Sebastian, okay well I have to say I love everyone basically. This book is amazing with it's plot and vivacious characters.

- Summary -


That was the one thing that has ruined Evelyn Summers life since the start.

With her brother being the leader of "The London's Eyes'' Growing up in a world of cruelty was something Evelyn summers had to become accustomed to.

But thing's are about to get a whole lot worst.

Gangs are starting to form all over london- with the intention of destroying London's eyes.

What will happen when the leader of the most powerful gang offers protection in exchange for Evie?

Will Evie be able to Survive Sebastian King?

She might just have to - Because as we all know, Sebastian isnt planning on letting her go anytime soon.

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