Fight Over Stampy

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Sqaishy P.O.V.

Lee and Netty went up to their room to record. Salem had just gone upstairs to rest, so I decided to join in on what Rosie and Amy were talking about.
"He's kind of cute."
"Stampy?" I heard Rosie whisper.
"Yeah." Amy whispered back. Was she trying to do what I thought she was trying to do? Was she trying to take my guy away from me.
"So you think Stampy's cute?" I asked.
"Well, I guess." Amy said unsure.
"She's going to ask him out!" Rosie exclaimed. Amy looked scared at Rosie.
"Wait what?" I said anger building up inside me. She can't have Stampy. She just can't! "Why? Why did you assign me to him if you were going to take me away?!" I started to almost tell.
"Sqaishy please-"
"Well, maybe if I had known, I wouldn't have fallen head of heels for him! And maybe I wouldn't have bothered coming!"
"Sqaishy!" Rosie exclaimed.
Then the door opened. Stampy and Squid were in the doorway.
"Well, now that I'm not needed, good luck, he's right there, have a nice time." I exclaimed and ran for the door and Stampy stepped out of the way. With that I broke into a dead sprint. I had to get as far away from here as possible. I didn't mean to break out like that, I just loved him. I couldn't help getting defensive. Wait, I love him? I've only been here a few days! Well, yet, I've recorded with him before, so I guess I've known him longer, but still. I guess the higher you climb, the harder you fall. I realized I was in a park. I knew it was far enough away. I curled up on the bench and kept on crying. I didn't care if people kept on looking at me wired. I just couldn't help it.

Stampy P.O.V.

Squid handed me the keys to the car and we walked in. Amy looked upset, Rosie looked like she was trying to calm Sqaishy down, and Sqaishy looked like she was going to kill somebody. I had never seen her so angry before. It was kind of terrifying.
"Well now that I'm not needed, good luck, he's right there, have a nice time!" She exclaimed and headed towards the door. I stepped aside kind of terrified. Then she broke into a dead sprint.
"What happened?" Squid asked. Stepping in more. I looked after the girl I loved.
"She got mad at me because she thought I was going to ask Stampy out." Amy cried into Rosie's shoulder. Alarm went off in my head. She burst because of me.
"Mate." Squid said looking at me. I must have snapped out of it, because everyone was looking at me.
"Jesus." I said as it hit me. I was in love with her. She was in love with me, she must be because no one goes off like that if they don't care a lot for someone. I dropped the keys and ran after her.

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