Finding My Sister

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Amy P.O.V.

"Alright guys, Salem is missing." I said in the living room. I was questioning them to find out when they last saw Salem. Everyone gasped. "Squid is calling the police now, but I need to know the last time all of you saw her."

"Before I went to bed." Netty said.

"Dinner." Lee said.

"Dinner, same as Lee." Sqaishy said.

"In her room looking at the sky." Stampy said.

"When she went to bed." Rosie said.

"Ok, I saw her last when Stampy saw her. I bumped into him in the hall. Squid saw her last at dinner. So who was the last up?"

"Rosie was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner, so I would trust her as the last one." Stampy said.

"Alright. Rosie tell us more." I turned to her.

"The light was off, but her window was open. She never does that, but I thought nothing of it. I just assumed her room got hot and she opened it." Rosie said.

"I see, so someone must have gone in her room while you were downstairs."

"Actually, after I cleaned up, she was in the bathroom, so someone must have snuck in while I was in the bathroom."

"Guys, I just noticed something." Squid said.

"What?" I asked.

"Her coats gone, that means she left on her own accord, for a walk or something like that. No kidnapper would have taken the time to grab her coat."

"Oh my god that's brilliant! That means she has her phone in her back pocket. We can track her, or at least I can." I opened up the find my find my iPhone app and typed in our code. "Please have your phone on." I prayed as it loaded. "YES! It's on, brilliant sis, brilliant. Were coming sis don't you worry!" Then I realized the address. "Stampy, I think were paying a visit to someone you know..."

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