Chapter 5: Outside

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"Aghh!" I cry as the sunlight blinds me. For a few seconds i thought the brilliant light was coming out of me, but that would be impossible, right? I closed my eyes and opened them, once I thought over the fact that i believed the light was me, it appeared to have eased though. "Ugh," I cry again rubbing my eyes.
My eyes adapt to the light, but I can't focus and I see black dots everywhere.
I repeatedly blink again and again trying to shuffle on my back into the shade. My hands aren't in shackles, or taped or tied with rope! They're free! I'm free, I'm free!

Or so I thought.

I get up and put my arm against my face to block it from the sun's powerful rays. I notice that it isn't the sun, but an unnaturally bright light shining down from above me, making me look very inconspicuous and incredibly small in comparison. I fall to the ground as my eyes roar red in pain, and if you listened closely you could hear them scream.

  I continue to shield my eyes and I army crawl across the ground. It was so strange because everything was white and extremely, painfully bright. I didn't exactly know where I was crawling to, but preferably to somewhere dark again or at least a little shaded. Instead of the dark engulfing me, the brightness took me with it and a migraine set in. The migraine grew to lost vision with the excessive amount whiteness and bright lights.

Spinning, spinning. My head was spinning.

"Agh! Help!" I screamed whilst my eyes seemed to be singed in the shear brightness of wherever the hell I was.

"No one will hear," said a voice lingering behind me.

"What?" I mumbled in horror, "where are you?"

"Everywhere" the voice responded, "I'm everywhere, just look"

"Don't be stupid. Seriously where are you, where's your voice coming from?"

  At this point, I was becoming very weary of were I walked and was also becoming freakishly confused at all this. I had no idea where I had been for the past, I don't even know how long.
What was going on. Where was I. Who was I. More importantly how was I meant to escape from this "limbo" that I was situated in. A preponderance amount of thoughts like the previous ones were flying through my mind and were increasingly making my heart race.

  "I know what you're thinking," echoed the voice.

"What? Who are...what are you?" I retorted, feeling very scared and even more baffled than before.

"You won't escape. That's what you were thinking of doing, wasn't it? Don't try lying, I know your every thought," the man, or woman as I couldn't yet tell, questioned me.

"Please, just tell me, tell me now where I am and what I've done to be here?! Where is 'here'? What is this place? What country am I in? What month is it? What year is it? Who am I? Who are you? Please?!" I said, now crying and becoming very panicked. The bright light still blinded me, so I sat on my front with my knees towards my stomach, with my face on the ground and my arms around my head, blocking all possible light coming through.

  "Close your eyes and it will be calm soon," chuckled the voice over with contempt.

  It made me nervous but I did as they said.

  A 'thunk' on the ground, sounding like something heavy and metal and spraying noises and a cloud of gas coming closer was all I remembered. I squinted a little as I saw boots coming towards me through metal bars and I closed my eyes before I let my body be taken.


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